Ponyville, Equestria
http://equestria.electronook.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=124Sup, my name's Kyle or Dub, most I'm lurking around, feel free to say hi =3
More details...Kyle Steen (dubstep)
#ooc Ahh, nothing like some Deadmau5 in the morning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF2kYv34350
Saturday, 23-Apr-11 12:40:16 UTC from web -
@neonpop Heheh, can't fool me so easy~ Well I'm soft and fluffy, you can take a nap on me if you like *nods*
Saturday, 23-Apr-11 11:46:02 UTC from web -
@neonpop Well, since you asked so nicely heh, I'd love to~ *winks*
@neonpop Heheh, don't know if I look forward to when I get booked for big shows are not. Now if I got booked doing shows with you~ then I'd be stoked
@neonpop *smooches back* Slow goin, gigs are sparse right now, but I'm sure it'll pick back up. How bout you?~
@neonpop How you doin pony pop hehe~ *nuzzles back*
@neonpop *huggles*
Saturday, 23-Apr-11 10:37:28 UTC from web -
*sitting outside his tent singing* ♪So you sailed away, into a grey sky morning. Now I'm here to stay, love can be so boring~♫
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 03:21:06 UTC from web -
@applebloomsarepetalknives #ooc xD I don't know if I should laugh, cry or let my ears bleed lol
*singing* ♪Never took a scene check, never were a reject, always lookin perfect, but now you aren't in step! Never took a scene check, never were a reject, always lookin perfect, now you aren't so in step!~♫
♪Ice-age heat wave, can't complain. If the world's at large, why should I remain? Walked away to another plan. Gonna find another place, maybe one I can stand. I move on to another day, to a whole new town with a whole new way. Went to the porch to have a thought. Got to the door and again, I couldn't stop. You don't know where and you don't know when. But you still got your words and you got your friends. Walk along to another day. Work a little harder, work another way.♫~
Monday, 18-Apr-11 01:59:09 UTC from web -
It's so quiet in town tonight, wonder what DC and Luna are up to at the castle heheh
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 06:21:01 UTC from web -
*singing to himself* ♪Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today, gonna love today! Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today! Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to love love me, love love me, love love!♫
*puts his bongos up and goes for a nice brisk evening skate*
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 04:10:48 UTC from web -
*chilling outside his tent playing the bongos outta boredom*
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:32:14 UTC from web -
#ooc I have returned =D
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:27:36 UTC from web -
#ooc afk a bit
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:22:06 UTC from web -
@frostbitepuckroyalguard Totally, and I mean, the least I could do is buy a house in town, instead of living in the tent like I've been heh, not that I'm just trying to live off the land or anything like that, just never really thought about it
@frostbitepuckroyalguard Thanks dude *plops down and starts snackin* Man...I should really look into actually SPENDING the bits I get from my album sales eh
@frostbitepuckroyalguard *glances around the cinema room* Daaaang man, very nice
@frostbitepuckroyalguard Hmm, never was much into sports, but it can't hurt to watch some with a friend, lead on heheh
@frostbitepuckroyalguard I can hang out if you like, I've got plenty of free time, no new gigs for a week
@frostbitepuckroyalguard For sure man, thanks *smiles and nods*
@frostbitepuckroyalguard Hmm, oh yeah, got an album collaboration with remixes of some of Neon Pop's tunes coming out on it soonish
@frostbitepuckroyalguard Heh, any music is good music my friend...well there are some exceptions, but we don't speak of those heheh *walks over to check it out*
@frostbitepuckroyalguard Pssh, nah, it sucks eheh, sleeping in a tent and schlepping around all your music stuff gets old after a while