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MLP FiM: Dischord Disaster (working title)
!dischordisaster dd mlpdd
The epic Fanfic/RP project spawned on RDN
MLP FiM: Dischord Disaster (working title) (dischordisaster) group
Wait, the RP site has their own wiki?
Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 11:37:56 UTC from web-
@toksyuryel Well, that was a fun read. (Then again, as far as I'm concerned most/all of Eevee's stuff is.)
@toksyuryel Now I want to try a project like that myself, thanks. xD
@ceruleanspark @abigpony You guys ddn't know?
I wonder... !dd Time to see if I can necrobump.
@frostflow Oh my god it worked.
!dischordisaster I love this RP, but it's very hard to find a place to jump back in when your busy like me.
Saturday, 30-Apr-11 00:58:36 UTC from web-
@dezzierose If you're unaware, RP moved to the new site today
@dezzierose Same, but it's been moved to the RP section.
@dezzierose RP site is now up =3
!dd #ooc CONFOUND THAT CONFOUNDED SITE OF YOURS!!!! I went to it and clicked on somepony's bio, and it downloaded a confounded virus onto my computer!! As a result, my computer exploded!!! Do you know what that meant??? IT MEANT NO PONY FOR THIRTEEN WHOLE DAAAAYYYYSSSS!!! D: *sight* It's good to be back.:) Hay everypony.:)
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 18:23:25 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 its all good :) well now you know
@sweetiebelle99 yay! Cutie Mark Crusader Soul Psycoligiests here we come!
#ooc #rubberpony Balala... brlhalala... Mama...
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 13:19:06 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd #ooc Yes, yes he is.
!dischordisaster may I join in? Last time I was here, I was helping out Twilight..
Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 22:03:53 UTC from web-
@dezzierose #ooc Feel free to join in anytime, though I believe Twilight's in a coma.
@atticus Well I was about to find a special tonic to save her with last time, soo..
@dezzierose #ooc *shurg* I havn't been able to pay much attention [busy] but join in whenever you can.
!dischordisaster Any suggestions on where to jump back in?
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 02:21:58 UTC from web -
!dischordisaster #ooc could somepony brief me on what has happened so far tonight?
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:34:03 UTC from web -
!dischordisaster #ooc Anywhere i can jump in?
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:23:28 UTC from web-
@dezzierose #ooc Anywhere you feel like :P
I give everypony in !dischordisaster permission to edit my character's wiki page as much as they would like (just don't remove any information.)
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 01:16:01 UTC from web-
#ooc @dezzierose You just missed an insane crossover event and now there are bombs going off all over town!!!
#ooc !dischordisaster #wiki Update anyone?
Sunday, 24-Apr-11 16:19:51 UTC from web -
#ooc @takisawesome Envy and Wrath are both out for blood.
Can somepony in !dischordisaster catch me up? I wanna join back in..
Friday, 22-Apr-11 17:45:14 UTC from web-
@wrath And where can I come in in this?
@dezzierose #ooc !dd Envy died, then came back to life. He's escaped twice. Then his brother Wrath showed up with the sole intention of dealing with Fial.
@dezzierose #ooc Right now, if you like.
#ooc Hey everypony in !dischordisaster Don't forget Kimono!!
Friday, 22-Apr-11 01:58:07 UTC from web -
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 21:42:03 UTC from web
*arrives at general group of people* Yo, guys. Who's that? *points at @envy*
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 18:25:16 UTC from web -
#ooc Though i never intended to post an exceptional amount, I fear i have been neglecting this account.
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 18:10:30 UTC from web- RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) likes this.
- A Big Pony repeated this.
@chipthe3rd #ooc I actually made myself a zebra oc. I'll still rhyme, but with some more flexibility. (Don't worry, my time as Zecora is not done. Posting under this name is just too darn fun xD )
@chipthe3rd #ooc on the next chapter of !dischordisaster ...
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 12:04:55 UTC from web-
@frostbitepuckroyalguard #ooc #ponywiseau Oh hai.
#ooc Got a page up for the next Elemental !dischordisaster
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 23:05:32 UTC from web-
@moonprincess #ooc Yup.
@moonprincess #ooc Question is, should I give him a seperate account or not?
@chipthe3rd #ooc I vote yes.
Who wants to do a horror RP with me?
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 22:24:31 UTC from web-
@epictwo #ooc Sounds like it could tie in nicely with !dischordisaster I'm in.
@chipthe3rd OOC okay. Let me see if @twilight will join.
#afk for a while
What is this roleplay I keep hearing about? It sounds like a lot of fun..
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 22:19:45 UTC from web -
So, what's the story so far guys?
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 20:15:57 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Brooklyn. It all makes sense now.
@fightingfire #ooc Indeed. The birthplace of Furio Tigre is the home of all evils ever.
@chipthe3rd Indubitably.
#ooc !dischordisaster #wiki is lacking pages about the actual plot... I'll do it later.
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 19:28:21 UTC from web -
#ooc !dischordisaster Adding Greed to the #wiki.
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 16:43:07 UTC from web -
#ooc !dischordisaster #wiki is coming along nicely, thanks to everypony who's currently joined us.
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 16:03:57 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd you should probably put a link to the wiki in the group description.
#ooc VALVE is way too good at screwing with everypony...
Monday, 18-Apr-11 20:02:04 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd #ooc O.o what happened?!
@takisawesome #ooc Clones happened. !dischordisaster happened.
Robotic voice: To ensure the safe performance of all authorized activities, do not destroyed vital testing apperatus // Taki: *opens the box and passes the med kit to chip*
@takisawesome !dd *Slumps into a thinking pose* I must try to remain calm... I must try to remain calm... We are being held here. There are cameras all over, therefore our progress is being tracked. If our progress is being tracked, then that means...
Robotic voice: Procede through the portal. Or be incenerated.
@takisawesome !dd MACHINE! LISTEN TO ME!
- multiversal beings.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:48:05 UTC from web-
@frostbitepuckroyalguard !dd Puck! Hang in there, man!
@frostbitepuckroyalguard *distant voice* "Soldier, if you can hear me! Grab a hoof!"
Robotic voice: Please proced into (#ooc ANDROID HELL!!!) the portal *portal opens and it leads to the outside the room* // Taki: *blinks* // Sentrie: *shoot start to shoot anything that moves but OH LOOK! they ran out of bullets soon after .3.*