Where ever.
Been a long, loooong time. Grad school for a PhD in Microbiology. Life goes on.
More details...Frost Flow (frostflow)
Seems like Fial and DC melted back into the woodworks. Back to nothing we gooooo
Monday, 20-Apr-15 00:58:40 UTC from web -
@fialvert Pssst. What's old and is a loser?
@darkcore OH HELLO THERE.
@fialvert Like a fever dream.
@fialvert Please no, those are bad memories. Bad, bad memories.
@fialvert Remember when there would be a post at least every minute, day in and day out?
@metaltao Just take a peak at my profile, has a link to the original image. Anyways, how has the site been the last year?
@fialvert Not much, you tin foil man.
@metaltao Hello there! I haven't been on here in, uh, about a year! Nice to meet you!
@fialvert Nice to meet you, Mister That Guy Nobody Cares About.
@mrdragon Sorreh, already taken
@mrdragon Pffft
@mrdragon Ah, I think I vaguely remember the first thing?
@mrdragon Been a looong while. Glad you've been at least alright, though.
@mrdragon Ah, well still, a nice look! How've you been?
@mrdragon Heyyo! Site is looking sweet nowadays!
@darkcore OHI
College papers. Procrastination. Yay I'm not a clever person. I'll just sob quietly in the corner now.
Holy cow it's been a while. It looks so different!
Tuesday, 03-Dec-13 18:46:43 UTC from web -
@mushi college dorm
All moved in
On campus now about to move everything in
Saturday, 17-Aug-13 14:57:11 UTC from web -
@mrdragon x3 I hope it turns out to be as good as that!
@mrdragon a little bit yea. Muuuch better now, and thank you! Hopefully should be a good experience even if I am nervous
@anarchycarcino yep
@mrdragon a bit yea. Big change time
@mrdragon I've been okay, been getting ready for college (moving in today).
@mrdragon Indeed! How've you been?