One of the two sister princesses, and the pony responsible for raising the moon to bring nighttime.
More details...Princess Luna (luna)
@moonprincess But I'm luna! And @luna! how you have managed to fool my sister is beyond me, but if I must face you, I shall!
Doppelgangers still posing as me... i might as well give up and go to the moon for another 1000 years.
#ooc workin on mah fic
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 22:20:01 UTC from web -
@starshine D: I <3 Sony!
#ooc #youtube Adraen Brody came to visit me on my beloved moon, then he put his handsome face on the earth so that I may look at it forever :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygI-2F8ApUM
@administrator When several people participate willingly, it is a collaborative attack, i was just pointing out that the only people that would attack this site are anons from/b/, who most likely don't have experience enough to DDoS
@starshine Then its DDoS. A good rule of thumb, its not DDoS unless you have significantly more DoS-ing computers than hackers. And generally DDoS is only one hacker, 1000's of computers.
@administrator #ooc generally, its not ddos, but actually just 'DoS'. I say this because in all likelyhood a hacker is not going to spread a virus in order to DDoS us, but a couple of parasprites will individually DoS us.
Monday, 18-Apr-11 23:48:34 UTC from web
#luna Though i won't go through the trouble of avatar-ing it http://ponibooru.413chan.net/post/view/4551?search=luna
@twilight I have just the one...
#avatar Sad Luna is sad
@fialvert @ooc I understand, although if anything, you've only known other luna for a max of 11 days. I do not think it will take long to become acquainted with me as well. You may not know it, but I can be a very good friend, i promise ^_^
@thelastgherkin #ooc I'm down, i guess, although idk how we'd do this
@ignaesia Um, I don't need anything other than friendship, thank you :)
@applebloomsarepetalknives Welcome back...
@thelastgherkin #ooc when you say fight, you mean for rights to luna RP? In which case I'd gladly give my points as to why I'm the 'real' Luna
@moonprincess Why are you doing this to me... I don't understand...
@applebloomsarepetalknives First celestia, and now all of you... Betrayal really hurts guys... I-I am the real Luna... *cry*
@applebloomsarepetalknives #ooc rly guys i walk out of the room (on a leave of unavoidable absense) for a week, and you guys replace me? Shame! Shame on you!
@moonprincess what's this? A DOPPELGANGER?!?! BEGONE!
Monday, 18-Apr-11 21:50:22 UTC from web -
Monday, 18-Apr-11 21:43:23 UTC from web
#ooc playing HL2 :3
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 21:57:09 UTC from web