Ignaesia "The Invincible" Arwin
As a proud member of the Hunting Guild I work to keep Equestria safe from all giant roaming beasts. Those ponies like I, willing to put their hooves on the line, are known as: Monster Hunters!
More details...Ignaesia "The Invincible" Arwin (ignaesia)
@carcino What do you mean you were once naughty?
Hello bronies, <3 you all
@hoit21 Yep :) I couldn't draw at first either, all it takes is lots of practice. I know how horribly cliche that sounds, but really all I did was draw every single day and still do. Your skills will hone and develop over time
@hoit21 Heh, thank my friend! :)
Thought i'd draw my OC. Earth Pony power! http://ur1.ca/5436i
@scribus you just made me spill my drink you jerk
@zennx yeah that is true, hahaha. You just gotta love the Jim Cummings style voice they went for with him, its amazing
New episode: First 5mins far too rushed, everything after arriving at Canterlot = EPIC
@rotation Hey man, it was a Tesco Extra. Good luck on the hunt, at least we know 100% that you can get the 4 pack in the UK now!
!ukponies Go into Tesco to due weekly shopping, find the molded 4 pack, my face http://ur1.ca/53350
@doublerainbowdash i'm totally not watching that, I want it all to be a suprise
@ghostpolitics Sup Ghost, I love your show man. Keep it up!
Just rewatched Show Stoppers and noticed something I never did before: Snips and Snails perform a magic trick routine (like their idol, Trixie) and even use her fanfare music when doing the trick! :D
@rotation No, I was planning to but I imagined the shipping costs would be high unless in bulk
Friday, 09-Sep-11 21:18:00 UTC from web -
@greydragon412 Dragonland? Haven't heard of them
@greydragon412 Is it Dethonator? :P
Hey bronies and ponies, what's going on?
I celebrated Applejack being the best pony by drinking a glass of Applejack last night. I didn't think cider and whiskey would mix so well!
Sunday, 04-Sep-11 20:42:38 UTC from web -
@derpytails sweet :D
@thelastgherkin yeah its got a great anime feel to it :D
Wow the Italian dub has such an epic intro: http://youtu.be/Trf002vigUA
@1mudkip88 Welcome my friend!
@leonkfox I also noticed Rarity's umbrella is positioned incorrectly on Ticket Master
@silentponytagonist Nice job mate
"It seems alot longer than half an hour though, when the break comes on I think its finished but its only half way through. Theres alot that happens in each episode huh" - my 10 yr old sister about FiM
Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:55:05 UTC from web -
So I started rewatching the entire series in preparation for season 2. I'm noticing a ton of stuff I never did the first time around! Like, when Applejack introduces her family just before she announces Granny Smith she shoves a green apple in Twilight's mouth but she quickly spits it out (Granny Smith's are real life bright green apples and are known for their sharp sour taste) I love all the little nods like that :)
@leonkfox At least you'll get to see The Rock, mate! Don't worry, there will always be other cons and meetups
!ukponies just got my tickets for UK Ponycon 11 ordered :D
@miloth just kicking back enjoying a day off work :D
@miloth damn, glad you're okay mate!