I am a relatively young brony from Seattle who enjoys techno, mlp, science, and general nerd stuff. :3
Also RDNRP now sucks -.-
Star Toucher (rainbowdashismycopilot)
@firestormdangerdash I say who is this amazing man!
@deadhor5 pony techno ftw B-)
@alargesmallhorse indeed, disney watch out there's a new animator in town
i know this is a bit late but did anyone else just love love looooove the season finale? :P
@themailmare meh, i hardly used it anyways now i just have a reason not to
@noirbatch I just saw a play version of the Twilight Zone :P
@themailmare I changed my whole profile so i could be a changeling character, then they tell me i can't be one because it doesn't fit with the RP canon, idk it's ridiculous
@scribus wouldn't that lower the quality some? :P
@themailmare okay, but i feel a bit betrayed by RBN network RP
@scribus umm, fun? xD
@themailmare hi! :P
how is everypony?
hey ponies :3
Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:56:37 UTC from web -
Rainbow Dash Network RP is dead to me ;(
Friday, 27-Apr-12 02:04:03 UTC from web -
yay this avatar works
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 01:05:09 UTC from web -
omg why does this website break gif avatars
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 01:03:37 UTC from web -
hello ponies
Hey bronies I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight!
@yodelerty Eww d=
@yodelerty ¥・¥
@yodelerty Im only bein silleh
@yodelerty Haha I just said ur a stinky pony but okay xD
@yodelerty おい! あなたわこうまくさいです!
@lyokotravels Is there an event or convention you DON'T go to?
@yodelerty Cool! I might go too xD
@yodelerty No that's what he is saying, also here at least we have everfree northwest and PAX
@yodelerty *hears faintly in the background* trolololo lololol lololol, hahahaha!
@lyokotravels You're joking....
@yodelerty Nah it's more just Microsoft is a more American thing, Sony is alot bigger there
@lyokotravels ¥_¥