

  1. how is everypony?

    Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:57:09 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowdashismycopilot Drunk! :D . . . Well, maybe not everyone, but I am! Well, more like heavily buzzed, but still.

      Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:58:14 UTC from web
      1. @scribus umm, fun? xD

        Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:58:57 UTC from web
        1. @rainbowdashismycopilot It helps me get through my homework, if nothing else.

          Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:59:57 UTC from web
          1. @scribus wouldn't that lower the quality some? :P

            Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:00:30 UTC from web
            1. @rainbowdashismycopilot Eh, maybe, but "lower quality" for someone as awesome as me is still "high quality" compared to everyone else.

              Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:01:36 UTC from web
        2. @rainbowdashismycopilot Doing great !! : D you?

          Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:00:40 UTC from web
          1. @noirbatch I just saw a play version of the Twilight Zone :P

            Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:03:05 UTC from web
            1. @rainbowdashismycopilot That is awesome! lol

              Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:04:09 UTC from web
    2. @rainbowdashismycopilot terrible. All my friends died and my palms are bleeding.

      Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:58:32 UTC from web
    3. @rainbowdashismycopilot I'm good, how about you?

      Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:59:01 UTC from web
      1. @themailmare okay, but i feel a bit betrayed by RBN network RP

        Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:59:31 UTC from web
        1. @rainbowdashismycopilot D: Why do you feel betrayed?

          Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:00:34 UTC from web
          1. @themailmare I changed my whole profile so i could be a changeling character, then they tell me i can't be one because it doesn't fit with the RP canon, idk it's ridiculous

            Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:02:23 UTC from web
            1. @rainbowdashismycopilot Wow, that sucks

              Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:03:13 UTC from web
              1. @themailmare meh, i hardly used it anyways now i just have a reason not to

                Friday, 27-Apr-12 06:04:24 UTC from web