https://systemerror514.weebly.comGaming Youtuber, newly found interest in MLP.
More details...Seraphina (systemerror514)
Hello everypony.
Thursday, 31-Dec-15 12:44:23 UTC from web -
Hello everypony, haven't been on in a while. What's going on?
What's everyone up to?
Sunday, 08-Jun-14 10:15:26 UTC from web -
@mastertdi Triple confirm now
@jamster SystemError514 is mine
@jamster Nice, getting it now
Yo, Battlefield 3 is free on Origin.
If anyone plays Skyrim on PC, check this mod out.
@thisisntgonnabegood Same
@ponyboy445 Yes pickachuryechu is my PSN name
Does anyone listen to The Living Tombstone's music?
Wednesday, 28-May-14 17:18:52 UTC from web -
There are more nipples on earth than there are people