Notices tagged with 4
Yakuza 5 is too damn long. I recently finished the part with Haruka and Akiyama. They were character #3 and #4, and yet there is another one and still far from reaching the end. Each part is as long as a full game with all the sidestory stuff.
Wednesday, 22-Mar-23 08:01:03 UTC from web -
BGP Devlog #4 (Hotfix TARTARUS!), 31-Dec-21 21:20:41 UTC from web -
Today I made fun of a lolcow who made a YouTube video with a bunch of friends. I did not even know 'lolcow's existed but aparently it is someone who keeps attacking a single post/topic and making a bigger joke of themselves every time they to approach it from a different angle and failing really hard.
And then I learned about Patrick H Willems, Eric Taxxon, Saint Jack, Downward Thrust, Quinton Reviews and most importantly Mauler and his ragtag group of friends. By the looks of it these here podcasts go up to at least 7 days.
Well, I know what I will be doing if I have boring security routines to run or something untill about the start of 2020. Maybe even indeffinitely seeing how fast those podcasts are made. I'd link the channel but I'm afraid some bot would kill me if I mention the abbreviation of Every Frame A Pause. In case you are interested watch #2 and #4, I think they are probably my favorite sofar.Tuesday, 28-May-19 22:47:25 UTC from web -
Clinton Body Count Series: #4. Shawn Lucas Who Filed Fraud Case Against DNC and Hillary Found Dead! -
[NSUwatch] NSU-Watch: Aufklären & Einmischen #4 – 1945-1979 !antifa
[NSUwatch] NSU-Watch: Aufklären & Einmischen #4 – 1945-1979 !antifa
Best of the Worst: Plinketto #4
Best of the Worst: Plinketto #4
BOFH excuse #4: static from nylon underwear
BOFH excuse #4: static from nylon underwear
Read a #feminist projecting her bigotry onto a much smarter writer:
>Not only is that response condescending in the extreme, but it proves that the Duke has no interest in even attempting to understand the Bene Gesserit Way that his concubine heralds from. He presumes that Jessica is essentially asking the Reverend Mother to speak her worries on her behalf as well, as though Jessica is incapable of voicing them on her own.
Comment #4 points out the obvious, and correct, other interpretation. It's a disaster. -
Nah. Looks like a pro-christian right-wing website to me. An older article that makes reference to Obama instead. Lots about socialism and anti-christianity.
Tl;dr point headlines:
#1 Nazi Germany was a totalitarian Big Brother police state that constantly monitored everything that German citizens did.
#2 Nazi officials often used their positions of power to force others to do dehumanizing things.
#3 In Nazi Germany, even women and children were treated like dehumanized cattle.
#4 In Nazi Germany, authorities could stop you and search you at any time and for any reason.
#5 Under Adolf Hitler, there were massive increases in government spending.
#6 Under Hitler, taxes were raised dramatically in order to pay for all of these social programs.
#7 The economy of Nazi Germany was very highly socialized.
#8 In Nazi Germany, if you conducted business outside of the socialist paradigm you were heavily punished.
#9 In Nazi Germany, government regulation of business got wildly out of control.
#10 Under Hitler, free market capitalism was absolutely hated.
#11 In Nazi Germany, the health care system was taken over by the government.
#12 Under Adolf Hitler, abortion was made “safe and legal” in Germany.
#13 In Nazi Germany, killing the “defective”, the “weak” and the “disabled” was considered to be a good thing because it made the German people “stronger”.
#14 In Nazi Germany, education was nationalized and God was kicked out of the schools.
--> -
Der Wiedereinzug der Grünen in den Mecklenburger Landtag wäre doch zu wünschen. #4,9%
robek rorschach test #4
we're coming close to the end, just continue calmly and tell me what you see -
Idea for Fallout 4 DLC #4: You take Piper to the NCR because you heard that anti-NCR headlines are stifled by the current president. You have to choose between siding with the NCR and a newly rebooted Enclave branch, and neither side is 100% good.
Monday, 23-May-16 19:47:08 UTC from web -
"I'd Really Rather You Didn't Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You If You Are Into, Um, Stuff That Uses A Lot Of Leather/Lubricant/Las Vegas. If the other person is into it, however (Pursuant To #4), then have at it."
Sunday, 08-Nov-15 05:40:14 UTC from web -
Warum ist Rainer Winkler nur so dumm? q.q*weint jämmerlich* *sich an stirn fass* #Drachenlord #4
Pleiten , Pech und Pannen #4 via @Youtube @Branobart @ZarbexBlog @RainbirdLP
Pleiten, Pech und Pannen #4 via @YouTube
@chalkahlom @mcnalu Ha, we have simular haircuts. I get a #4 "fade" (#4 back & sides, top is hand cut and blended in). A wash and go, no fuss, hair cut. Can't be bothered with combs, gels, hair dryers, etc...
OMG, just writing the protocol for meeting #4
>working on biology
>decide to double check answer for #4 of questions since sometimes answers are at the back of the book and I'm not sure
>find this