Thursday, 12-May-11 01:36:23 UTC from web
@retl SPECIAL DLC FOR !space
@zarkanorf Lawlsauce. Also OH NOES WE LOST @SWEETIEBELLE99 TO THE PONYVOID. Things well never be the same.
@retl Wait - WAT?!
@sweetiebelle99 Don't worry. :3 It's aaaaall okay now! :S
@sweetiebelle99 *:D
@retl *suspicious Sweetie Belle is suspicious*
@sweetiebelle99 Simply put, the entire universe went up a level, and we thought when it went up a level that you had disappeared, making it as if it had went down two levels instead of up one. But you're here, so the universe went up a level! The universe learned thunderbolt!
@retl Oh. :X