Notices tagged with molestia

  1. @abigpony I dunno do ya? I use to want 2 be a cartoon artist, but my friend lead me into the thought of being a voice actor because I love to voice # and fluttershy and just randomly say weird derpy stuff in a high pitched voice. They said I had the # voice spot on so I just thought why not be a voice actor.

    Sunday, 19-Aug-12 11:39:09 UTC from web in context
  2. d'aww! # # / # completely #

    Thursday, 24-May-12 16:44:35 UTC from web
  3. "adorable" suits this just fine. # #

    Thursday, 24-May-12 15:04:18 UTC from web
  4. Ah this made me laugh! # #

    Thursday, 24-May-12 14:25:28 UTC from web
  5. !lnrdn Now y'all have got me looking at # stuffs.. # language

    Thursday, 24-May-12 13:55:03 UTC from web
  6. @derps Excellent; but we might wish to contact # If she knew we were having an # without her, we'd all be in big trouble <.< /jk/

    Thursday, 22-Dec-11 10:20:53 UTC from web in context
  7. @jinroh Vectorize your OC or else SOMETHING that you may NOT WANT might happen to you #

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 00:11:48 UTC from web in context
  8. # # Oh gosh I love this comic way more than I should. I laughed. # # !oatmeal

    Thursday, 26-May-11 23:40:05 UTC from web in context