The State of Confusion (wordplay!)
A teen from Olney, MD.
I'm happy all the time, even in pain!
I'm positive that about 40% comes from ponies.
Zu Kraze (zukraze)
Gotta go, I'm infrequent.
@nvrrmbr I'll try. Maybe. I want a snack. (Yay, Procrastination!)
@lonewanderer It's not the judging for me, more of the 'I AM ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED OF STRANGERS' thing. You know 'Stranger Danger'? I learned that at 2, and kept it forever.
@nvrrmbr Maybe, then all I have to do is get over my huge stage fright.
@zukraze *write
@binary You have my tastes, awesome with a hint of unnerving.
@nvrrmbr Thank you! Yeah, I am going to fail English. We had to write a list of 10 things that inspire us. Mine were all pony. After that we had to make a poem out of it for homework, and I have to share it with the class. Oh Luna...
@whoof I agree completely.
I am back! I learned nothing from school, almost had a seizure, and now I'm here to share that seizure-inducing video with you guys!
Gonna go now, gots stuff to do.
@mlpapplejack OKAY, whatever you say...
@colfax *reminded me of that the same thing happened to me a month ago*
@chaosmagic It's okay, you have a computer obviously, so there's youtube and hulu.
@nvrrmbr Pro Skills! He has them.
@chaosmagic ...I AM SO SORRY FOR YOU. You need a hug. *hug*
@chaosmagic Why?
@mlpapplejack Ah. Good to know, but where did you take it from? My friend can't find his iPhone, and I don't want to tell him a pony took it.
@starshine Hooray! It's a big day for you too!
Everypony! Tomorrow is the day that the Hub plays MLP 3 times a weekday! I'm so excited!
@earflaps That's what I do almost everyday.
@nvrrmbr I never heard that before. Now I know the internet is complete.
@colfax It's okay, I would never rat you out. I haven't been 100%... 'perfect' either.
Monday, 30-May-11 16:03:52 UTC from web -
@earflaps Hey EarFlaps, what be goning on?
@delc17 I live next to D&B's on the weekends.
@colfax I'll have to try that. I need some free stuff.