Rarity (raritybeauty)
Do a school project about the Great and Powerful Trixe > only student to ace it. AW YEAH.
Sunday, 13-Nov-11 01:26:49 UTC from web -
@fluttershy321 There was a snuggle in there. >.>
@fluttershy321 *hugglesnugglenuzzlehugyayhughug*
@redenchilada I see. So you're saying that if the infamous marshmallow filly: @sweetiebelle99 were to log on here right now and proceed to role-play with all of her adorableness and huggableness, you would delete her in 10 seconds flat?
@fluttershy321 *huggles*
@redenchilada Fascinating. So you are completely anti-role-play and anti-feline? Even those accounts who overcome all with their adorableness?
@redenchilada You troll! >:) How did you rise to power despite your cerainty to abuse the right to moderate?
@redenchilada Is it possible to UN-delete someone?
@redenchilada Meanie. >.>
@captlynch Why, you put them there of course!! With your science....thing. I simply cannot believe you are trying to frame poor, innocent Opal for your misdoings!!
@lelouch *looks at picture* Oh my!! The horror. What a monster!
@captlynch Quite frankly, I do not care one bit about "who started it". But I know good and well that poor little Opalicious would never ruin my Boutique -ever!! And, may I ask what business do you have trespassing on private property, SIR?!
@captlynch @opal *proudly trotts up the trail to her Boutique carefully carrying a platinum trophy* *looks up and spots the damage, dropping the trophy into the dirt* :O My word...O.O.....Great Celestia.....Oh dear........ *spots captlych standing off to the side with suspicious-looking equipment surrounding him* YOU!!!! *stalks angrily over to him* If you'd be so kind as to tell me, sir, WHAT IN EQUESTRIA HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SHOP?! *Rarity is ridiculously hot when she's angry*
@captlynch @opal Opalicious!! You know perfectly well that lemons are bad for your teeth! My word, Opal! If you're hungry, there is a pint-sized rotisserie chicken I ordered from Canterlot. And also, don't you know guests aren't allowed in the Boutique while I'm gone? Now Opal, you show the nice stallion the door, and behave yourself until Mummy gets home, okay? I've got a fashion show in seven minutes. Bye-bye, Opal! *hangs up*
@captlynch Pardon?
@opal *still talking into her cell phone* Opalicious? Is that you? Opal, darling, you simply speak up. You're mumbling, dear. And do stop that shrieking. It isn't ladylike at all! *begins to file her hooves*
@opal *picks up her cell phone* Hello! This is Rarity, owner and operator of Carousel Boutique. How may I help you?
@carcinopony Oh. Well in that case, I suppose Sweetie Belle was playing matchmaker
@flaxx *giggles* I did mean last semester, but that'll work too! ;) So what will you major in? *leans forward; apparently fastinated*
@zarkanorf Oh! I see! :)
@critialcloudkicker Oh no dear! I'd love to!
@carcinopony Where in the world did Sweetie get such an idea?!
@zarkanorf *puzzled* 1900?
@flaxx *giggles* So true! What subjects are you taking this semester?
@carcinopony *looks at you like you are completly and totally insane* Weeelllll....talk to her....*scuttles away*
@zarkanorf *smiles* Greetings, dear friend. How might you be today?
@carcinopony Oh? Is that so? For what reason?
@flaxx Oh! I'm terribly sorry for the amount of schooling you must complete. But you make it sound almost nice! ;) And I'm simply lovely, thank you for asking. ;)