Rainbow "Danger" Dash (dashiedash)
So... bored... posting from my nook simple touch... who rps on the nook Here?
Tuesday, 02-Jul-13 17:41:28 UTC from web -
@thepinkiepiex its my NOOK simple touch too. Figured out how to access the internet from it
Hey people posting from my nook
So... bored...
@ryanjjjj sure! Srry im just answering your post to me from an hour qago.
Thursday, 23-May-13 23:58:08 UTC from web -
I am a bored pony!
i just made a group!
Thursday, 23-May-13 22:23:38 UTC from web -
@rozeluck Ok!
Thursday, 23-May-13 22:15:08 UTC from web -
@rozeluck Oh lol. Then watch it on Youtube!
@rozeluck Now its hurricane Fluttershy which ive only seen bits and pieces of.
@rozeluck Well i am! Right now its one i havent seen yet.
@rozeluck Yeah and each paper has to be at least 25 lines long!
@rozeluck Yeah I have to have 10 pages of this project then 10 pictures and paste it all onto a poster board.
@rozeluck Doin a boring South Korea project while on here. Its so boring!
Who's bored? I am!
!equestriagirlfans This is gonna be about 20% cooler than the actual show!
Thursday, 23-May-13 21:37:56 UTC from web -
@jawndo Im new here too.
Thursday, 23-May-13 21:32:56 UTC from web -
@mushi Its on stupid South Korea and its boring! Im doing it while on here! Well... not really...
Thursday, 23-May-13 21:24:28 UTC from web -
@mushi I have a school project to work on but its so boring!
Im bored...
@flamingpandaomg So what we talkin about?
Thursday, 23-May-13 21:07:42 UTC from web -
@potatotdi Thanks!
Thursday, 23-May-13 21:05:33 UTC from web -
@potatotdi Very good. And you?
@flamingpandaomg Thank you!
@potatotdi Thnx!
Hey I'm new...