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!equestriandawn dawn eqdawn mush
http://equestriandawn.comA group for the Pony MUSH, "Equestrian Dawn."
Equestrian Dawn (equestriandawn) group
Hell, I was dreaming in code when I launched !EquestrianDawn
Monday, 10-Apr-17 02:48:44 UTC from web -
Well, I've been google image searching maps of Ponyville so that I can properly map out exactly where the locations of My Little Brony are, and I found more than one image that links back to RDN.
Saturday, 22-Aug-15 03:06:58 UTC from web-
@mrmattimation Yeah, that was "fun" when I was building !EquestrianDawn. :p
there should be an RDN-hosted MUSH
Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:32:44 UTC from web-
@caret7 Not exactly RDN-hosted, but !equestriandawn might still be a thing.
Let's not even start about how I've seen the game under my eyelids the last three nights
Saturday, 27-Sep-14 03:38:18 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Dude that happened to me with !EquestrianDawn. Yes, it's text-based. Yes, I dreamed in text.
Man, now I'm really glad I didn't get rid of the Yahoo eMail app on my phone. Trying to reconnect with some people from !EqDawn re: a job I'm going to put in for.
@snowcone well if i can start it i can play with you
Monday, 27-Jan-14 07:50:15 UTC from web-
@themoetyphoon good morning all
@ceruleanspark Last I knew it did. It still has a dot com and a wiki.
@scribus I mean does it have a community an outside could join and integrate with?
i wanted to try LoE, but i dont exactly have faith on the computers we have here
Saturday, 25-Jan-14 23:40:16 UTC from web-
@redenchilada then i might try it in the monday. though i'm not sure a 5 yo Br computer is the same as a USA one
@mushi Well, the servers are only open for the weekend... :(
@redenchilada huehuehue
!equestriandawn Well uh. Basically a kind of OOC civil war going down between the ones who make the MUSH go, and bnopony's happy about it. (And I've also learned not to use bbcode in dashes, because I have no idea how to make that work.)
Sunday, 07-Jul-13 07:46:14 UTC from web-
@retl Balloon Retl<3
@kyosukekosaka Yay, a heart!
@mushi Hey umm... do you have any idea what happened to the Rainbow Dash Roleplay Network? I think it got renamed and switched to a different server or something correct?
Saturday, 22-Jun-13 01:19:18 UTC from web-
@mushi I'm not really sure actually, the original site doesn't exist anymore though.
@tekkdan aww
@tekkdan @mushi goes nowhere at this point, but the user/post database there was moved over to EqRP.
Happy Birthday, !EquestrianDawn MUSH! Congratulations on existing for two years!
Thursday, 25-Apr-13 12:29:51 UTC from web- Pony repeated this.
!equestriandawn MUSH's second birthday will be on the 25th of this month, 9 days from now.
Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 13:42:22 UTC from web -
Holy damn, what is going on with !EquestrianDawn?
!equestriandawn MUSH's second birthday will be on the 25th of this month, 21 days from now.
Thursday, 04-Apr-13 13:19:42 UTC from web -
Looks like things are happening in/around !EquestrianDawn. Righteous.
@scribus !equestriandawn Yup. I quit, for one. :P
Weirds me out to recall that I've had my account with RDN longer than my account with !EquestrianDawn MUSH. I invested far more time into that MUSH than anything else in the past year and a half. Seems like my interest in RPing just totally fell by the wayside though. Almost like listening to fanfics via Text-to-Speech has totally overshadowed RPing in terms of efficiency for my lifestyle to the point that it's hard to justify RP VS reading a fanfic / watching a video / attempting to write my own darn stories. Don't have to spend those extra hours of time waiting for the back and forth from the whole read-response cycle and whatnot. Anywho. Happy New Year, y'all! And Happy Holidays too! (There were a bunch of them and I don't remember half of 'em.)
Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:04:29 UTC from web-
@pony ...Oh
@redenchilada it is a pretty funny term.
@pony Equestrian Dawn is still alive and kicking. You can get more info here: It's something akin to a chatroom where everyone is a character and can walk around in a text version of Equestria. Er... Sorta. It's more like an MMORPG without the combat element. You can walk about and talk in character, but there's also OOC chat channels for talking and discussing things as players. You might see me pop around once every week or two as Pokey Pierce.
!EqDawn -- Our plan has been upgraded. We now have twice as much storage space, and 25% more RAM! Unfortunately, this probably won't do anything for the recent lag-spikes, but our hosts have assured me that they are working to resolve the issue, as it has been reported by other customers as well.
Wednesday, 30-May-12 15:57:09 UTC from web-
@spectrumflash No problemo.
Got word back on the !EqDawn server load -- they're not yet sure what's causing it, but they've had other reports and are looking into it. If all else fails, we can switch to a different machine from the same hosts. @spectrumflash
Wednesday, 30-May-12 15:14:10 UTC from web -
@scribus Don't suppose you have any idea what might be causing the huge lag-spikes on the !EqDawn server, do you? Seeing CPU load spiking up to 130+ at times. (Definitely not us)
Tuesday, 29-May-12 19:37:54 UTC from web-
@spectrumflash Well, from what I can see at the immediate moment, nothing for us at all. According to top, we're using all of 0% of CPU. free -m says we're doing fine on memory, too.... And we're only at 70% of our HDD quota. Of course, this was 2 hours ago, it's quite possible things have changed between the problem and my investigating the matter.
@scribus I know that it's not us causing the issue. But something on that server will occasionally spike and cause so much load that it lags everything for a few minutes. If you're not the server admin, is there any chance you can bring this to the attention of who is, please?
@spectrumflash Shall do.
Just had a dream I singlehandedly beat the tar out of an entire extended family of violent misogynistic white supremacists. Never did get my donkey back, but I did find their cloning machine while it was making a copy of my dad's dog.
- derpyshy / chem likes this.
@scribusstatham XD that's amazing!
@scribusstatham true.
@derpyshy It was something, alright. :p
Happy Birthday, !EquestrianDawn MUSH. May your future be a prosperous and happy one. (Meanwhile I need to chill out on the daily logins. Thing's gonna be the death of me at this rate.)
Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 14:03:44 UTC from web -
!EquestrianDawn represents over 1/3 of the users logged into our host's servers! :D
Sunday, 15-Apr-12 06:26:15 UTC from web -
!eqdawn And we're back up thanks to @spectrumflash 's mad skills. Thanks, dude.
Sunday, 15-Apr-12 03:13:42 UTC from web -
!eqdawn No, it wasn't my fault this time. :|
Sunday, 15-Apr-12 02:41:44 UTC from web -
!EqDawn Aaaaand We ran out of memory as of 10;22PM EDT 14 April 2012. "EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN: chunk swap file write, 65500 remaining, errno 122: Disk quota exceeded"
Sunday, 15-Apr-12 02:26:06 UTC from web -
.....I'm about to fin MLPonline to see if it's playable yet.... btw, . GO THERE NOW QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 12-Apr-12 19:56:11 UTC from web-
@thunderboltpony Check out !EquestrianDawn for your online MLP RP needs! 28 players online right now. :3
@scribus I'm still seriously tempted to check that out. Every time I think about it I get all scared and shy though ffff- XD
Sunday, 08-Apr-12 02:30:55 UTC from web -
Ok. Anypony know how tO get a cutie mark? Also, does anypony want to Tell me how to rp? And where to do it?
Saturday, 24-Mar-12 01:57:02 UTC from web -
Mailing !EquestrianDawn business cards back to various credit card offers. >:3
Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 02:03:52 UTC from web-
@gpubrian Play it for the cusoms. Because SC 2's are all trash.
@carcino I started with SC2 and I tried going to SC1 and I found that everything was overpowered and that everything required incredible amounts of micro. It also sucks about the control groups XD
@gundoctor I wasn't competitive back in 1.
*Ehem* May I just say something real quick? The Rp site located Here thing is incorrect. Now, yes, that IS RdnRp, but it's screwed up and ruined. The correct site for REAL My little pony; Friendship is magic role play is this site here ---> Ponies are migrating too here because most of the Rp on RdnRp is being screwed up and ridiculous. Everfree Rp is a better RolePlay site. It's more of a slice of life Rp and it's more like MLP;FIM than RdnRp. Thank you for reading this, and I hope any Rpers out there will take this into at least minor consideration. *Bows*
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 22:42:07 UTC from web-
@fluttershy321 Opinion and experience are two different things. Although I admit I've flavoured my experience with my opinion in this case. xD Also, !mintrefresh should work on Everfree RP if you add the site url into a new @include line. lol.
@minti I don't use refresh things. I have a mac, they don't work on macs. *Computer racists*
@fluttershy321 Haha. I'm pretty sure there's a way to use userscripts on Safari. Meeh xD Sorry for bugging you!
More importantly, !EqDawn Discord has returned as part of a two week event. Current player turnout (just online connections, not necessarily player-unique or attending the event): "There are 57 players connected."
Friday, 02-Mar-12 03:59:41 UTC from web