Darkly Cute (darklycute)
I see that @Starshine still gets talked about on here. I should prolly post here more....
Wednesday, 13-Mar-13 08:54:46 UTC from web -
@abigpony If you say so.
@redenchilada Its not 1998 though.
@omni Oh thanks! I need to update that actually...
@abigpony I have? I guess. I blame the pony pins.
@omni Which one of my websites? I have a lot...
@redenchilada Nope I am not a figment of your imagination.
@abigpony I still am aren't I?
Hey, just wanted to let all of you that are going to BronyCon know that I have an artist alley table there. And its #413 if you would like to stop by and say hi!
@eaglehooves I am sorry...I ran out of printer paper so I couldnt print a shipping label. Hope I didnt get you in trouble. :(
Updated my website with all of the pony pin designs - http://ponyorders.ecrater.com/
Wednesday, 02-May-12 19:23:33 UTC from web -
Pony Pin Photos! - http://ponyorders.wordpress.com/2012/04/20/pony-pins-round-4-photos/
Friday, 20-Apr-12 01:32:46 UTC from web -
Which ponies would you like to see pre-made customs of for sale at BronyCon?
!ohiobronies - Season Finale Party Blog Post - http://blog.bucked.org/2012/04/season-finale-parteh.html
Monday, 16-Apr-12 04:37:56 UTC from web -
@dlcentaur Well that just means you should come hang out with our group sometime! We has all the fun! Our blog thing has writeups of our past meets - http://bucked.org
@dlcentaur The Ohio Bronies group has meets once a month. In May we are also doing a Cedar Point trip.
!ohiobronies We are having a Season Finale Party at the pony house next weekend! Hit up the Ohio Bronies forums for more info! - http://forums.bucked.org Though you need to sign in to see the events planning forum.
@dlcentaur Then you should totes come to TrotCon this summer! I am one of the organizers for it. - http://trotcon.com
@colfax I still need to mail your bracelet. I keep being super busy and forgetting to. :(
@dlcentaur Yea, its in New York. Where are you located at? I will also have stuff avaliable at TrotCon in Columbus, OH.
Hey who all is going to BronyCon? If you are and you are also looking to get a custom pony let me know! Order your pony now and I will have it done in time for you to pick it up at the convention. I will also have some pre-made customs available for sale. As well as lots of pony pins! Can't wait to see everypony there!
!ohiobronies - Ohayocon 2012 Meetup Times: http://blog.bucked.org/2012/01/ohayocon-2012-meetup-times.html
Monday, 23-Jan-12 23:29:02 UTC from web -
I am holding a !custompony contest. The winner will receive a custom of the design they submitted. More Info Here - http://www.darklycutecustoms.com/2012/01/custom-pony-contest.html
Sunday, 08-Jan-12 04:38:30 UTC from web -
!ohiobronies There will be an Ohayocon 2012 meet - More Info - http://blog.bucked.org/2012/01/ohayocon-2012.html
Saturday, 07-Jan-12 21:08:30 UTC from web -
Metal Pony Pins Now Avaliable!- http://ponyorders.ecrater.com/
Monday, 12-Dec-11 04:20:25 UTC from web -
!ohiobronies So who all is planning on coming to the New Years Party?
Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 23:07:34 UTC from web -
The newest batch of pony pins arrived this week! Have some photos - https://picasaweb.google.com/106053266871943016385/PonyPins?authuser=0&feat=directlink
YAY! My Sims 3 games arrived in the mail!!! Now to make human versions of the ponies in it.
Friday, 25-Nov-11 15:27:18 UTC from web -
!ohiobronies We now have a forum! So sign up and start posting - http://ohiobronies.createmybb3.com/
!ohiobronies Fashion Style Peanut Bucker !custompony - http://ohiobronies.blogspot.com/2011/11/peanut-bucker-fashion-style-version.html
Friday, 18-Nov-11 02:13:56 UTC from web