New Philadelphia
http://www.worthyofpublishing.com/search.asp?search=JAD%20BeitzelWriter and gamer. Currently attending various Kent State branches for my English degree (Tuscarawas and Stark). Fell in love with ponies at the end of May and don't regret it.
Rainbow Dash pony is best pony. At least I know you're not gay.
Josh (dashattack)
@darklycute Still waiting on my schedule for next week, but I'm still excited!
@presentperfect #spoiler "Okay, so her dad's an earth pony, but she and Sweetie get their coloration from him it seems. I saw his cutie mark for just a moment, but I can't figure out what it is. TO THE FANDOM" - They looked like footballs to me.
@presentperfect Oops. Slipped my mind.
So, instead of brohoofs can we institute high hooves into our repritoire now?
Saturday, 05-Nov-11 14:59:46 UTC from web -
Sweetie Belle, why is your voice so adorable? It's giving me diabetus.
I'm not even sure what happened in the new episode I just watched. All I know is that I want that Doggie Doo game.
@darklycute Oh, neat!
@darklycute Yes, I do believe I would be highly interested.
This weekend reminded me why Halloween is my favorite holiday ever created.
Monday, 31-Oct-11 00:15:56 UTC from web -
@rpb3000 Does it almost taste like rainbows?
@darklycute Did I beat everypony or am I late? I can't seem to find anyone.
Sunday, 16-Oct-11 02:25:09 UTC from web
#spoilers Checklist for the day: Check, Twilight acting incredibly adorkable for 20 minutes: Check, Twilight losing her murdock: Check, New nightmare fuel faces from said breakdown: Check, Derpy derpin': Check, Twilight Sparkle giving me good reason to make her my favorite pony: Check, Triple check my list to make sure I didn't miss anything on the second check: Uhh...Check.
Saturday, 15-Oct-11 14:16:11 UTC from web -
And that's how Equestria was made!
Saturday, 15-Oct-11 14:09:42 UTC from web -
Shameless self promotion of a new short story I wrote. Not pony related, but I hope it's enjoyed nonetheless. http://www.worthyofpublishing.com/chapter.asp?chapter_ID=92354
Saturday, 08-Oct-11 02:48:51 UTC from web -
@darklycute Hmm...I am intrigued. I think I may try my hand at this.
@tenmihara Someone should write that fic.
@tenmihara Thanks, and I agree. Rarity x Tom ship is best ship.
@abigpony They're having another one that ends on the 16th of October I think.
My official entry into Welovefine's design contest: http://faithlessrurouni.deviantart.com/#/d4b8no4 Thoughts?
Who the hell wants to study for an exam when there are Welovefine t-shirts to be designed?
Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 23:06:58 UTC from web -
@darklycute Yay! She's cute!
@darklycute Honestly, I'd be willing to buy a well designed shirt.
@madflavors Thanks. :)
!ohiobronies Disregard exam review. Draw pony. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/FaithlessRurouni/PeanutBuckerdoodle.jpg
@darklycute All of my monies, take them!
@darklycute I can't imagine a Tom the Rock pin being anything other than hilarious.
@jakel99 I dare say your mind is in the gutter, since you're taking my reply out of context. :P
@jakel99 Rofl. Dare I ask how you came to that conclusion?
@darklycute That sounds incredibly hard, but would be incredibly epic if said plan comes to fruition.