In Transit
http://www.ponychan.net/chan/collab/res/5440.htmlPart time writer, part time actor, full time me. Currently writing: Another draft of My Little Musical
More details...Writepony (anonwritepony)
There will be rest and sure stars shining. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sT3ZPnQUus&feature=related
Sunday, 15-Jan-12 11:00:45 UTC from web -
Hey guys! If you haven't checked recently, there's an art contest going on, as well as a 30 second preview of the upcoming single on the official site! http://mylittlemusical.tumblr.com/ The whole song should be released toward the end of the week! Stay tuned! #MyLittleMusical
Friday, 16-Dec-11 00:18:50 UTC from web -
Hey guys! There's a thirty second preview of Conquer Your Fear up on the official site if you haven't seen it yet! http://mylittlemusical.tumblr.com/ The whole song should be released toward the end of the week! Stay tuned! #MyLittleMusical
Thursday, 15-Dec-11 07:38:04 UTC from web -
Cast List for #MyLittleMusical is up! http://mylittlemusical.tumblr.com/
Monday, 12-Sep-11 06:03:47 UTC from web -
@tenmihara Fan based entirely!
@tenmihara My Little Musical is an upcoming concept album based on Friendship is Magic. Set in the style of a musical, the re-imagining will feature many original songs as well as songs from the animated series. http://www.ponychan.net/chan/collab/res/17544.html
Less than an hour until the cast list is announced! Get ready! http://mylittlemusical.tumblr.com/ #MyLittleMusical
BREAKING NEWS: EqD has now gone account-commenting only. No more anonymous posts from now on. How do you feel about this change? #EquestriaDaily #change
...And the female callback information for #MyLittleMusical is away. FINALLY! Guys should be receiving their callback materials within the next week.
Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 10:48:29 UTC from web -
>Past Sins is on the weekly spotlight. ...Does it really need a spotlight moment?
Friday, 29-Jul-11 01:25:05 UTC from web -
Composition and Orchestration team announced: http://mylittlemusical.tumblr.com/post/8160556811/composition-and-orchestration-team #MyLittleMusical
Thursday, 28-Jul-11 05:08:27 UTC from web -
Musician selections for compositions and orchestrations to be announced either tonight or tomorrow night. More info soon. #MyLittleMusical
Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 00:54:23 UTC from web -
@thelastgiraffekin Yes.
Organizing callback lists; fun and agonizing at the same time. My Little #Musical
Sunday, 17-Jul-11 07:07:43 UTC from web -
Made a very rough, fifteen second demo excerpt from a planned song for My Little Musical. Wanted to do it for Brony Day, but ran out of time... anyone care to listen to the snippet?
@redenchilada I went to see Deathly Hallows Pt. 2, then watched Temple Grandin at home. Sure, not much pony, but a good day nonetheless.
"Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be."
Saturday, 16-Jul-11 06:07:13 UTC from web -
@drewdle Thanks for your interest! Lyrics are nearing completion, composition/orchestration callbacks are going on right now, and general auditions close on Sunday. You can read all about what's going on at the moment at http://www.ponychan.net/chan/collab/res/5440.html and all important future updates will be available at http://mylittlemusical.tumblr.com/
Everybody's playing the game, but nobody's rules are the same. Nobody's on nobody's side. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E26urLysvuk
No love for FiM at this year's Emmy's. :(
Thursday, 14-Jul-11 12:54:25 UTC from web -
Only four days left to audition for My Little #Musical! If you haven't considered it yet, now's the time to do so! http://www.ponychan.net/chan/collab/res/5440.html
Thursday, 14-Jul-11 04:37:17 UTC from web -
@kingcarcinopony Not really. Hasbro is a cool guy. Eh ponies all day and doesn't afraid of anything. @nightwillow It's not legal. And I'm working independently. Dealwithit.jpg
@nightwillow Animation: Maybe someday. Definitely not in the agenda right now. Selling it to Hasbro: HA HA HA. no. I can't, it's against the law, etc. Besides, Hasbro wouldn't want this even if it was legal. Completely fan-run.
@nightwillow Online audio project for the moment, as doing a stage production would definitely be violating copyright laws. Right now looking at it being an audio cast recording and possibly radioplay, all online.
@gear My Little Musical. http://www.ponychan.net/chan/collab/res/5440.html
Should I 1) continue revising the script for MLM, 2) write a MLP fanfic, or 3) go to bed?
Let man's petty nations tear themselves apart. My land's only borders lie around my heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14SIK5UcjRc&feature=related
Monday, 11-Jul-11 09:25:32 UTC from web -
@atlantabronies I'm perfectly fine on the west coast at the moment. Thanks for the offer, though!
@atlantabronies Wait a minute. I don't even live in Atlanta! Silly me.
@atlantabronies Dang, I'll be out of town that day!