Group actions

Cavatina always deserves hugs. Now there's a group about it!
Hug Cavatina! (hugcavatina) group
Struggling to find any motivation to come onto IM's...or in fact do anything. Mreh >.> I don't like when i feel this, means something is bothering me but i havent a clue what it is...
Thursday, 27-Sep-12 16:31:48 UTC from web-
@cavatina I have felt the same way all week! A sort of melancholy if you will... And no clue as to why. You need something to occupy the mind... for me it's been piano, and a really old computer project.
Wednesday, 19-Sep-12 10:04:44 UTC from web
@purplephish20 Maybe you should. YAY HUGS <3
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 14:51:20 UTC from web
Morning everypony.
Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 10:37:56 UTC from web -
Monday, 30-Jul-12 11:22:02 UTC from web
- I am an idiot repeated this.
@ceruleanspark Exactly! I wish I could hug the RDN servers to help with my money problems, but I can't. I need to donate more!
@ceruleanspark What is your problem? I can't possibly bring back the dead and it doesn't help if I try to comfort a stranger. Cavatina is her fiancee and can help a bit, but she also most likely will suffer because she does not want her fiancee to be sad. And there is absolutely nothing I could do about that.
@hakupony I don't even see what point you're trying to make. It's like you're simultaneously trying to register your disgust for my point of view and agreeing with it.
Goodnight... i has a sad...couldnt be helped though.
Thursday, 26-Jul-12 23:48:53 UTC from web-
@cavatina Night :c
@cavatina !Hugcavatina night!
Wednesday, 25-Jul-12 16:44:21 UTC from web
So angry now..bleh...
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 20:46:08 UTC from web-
@cavatina Didnt see it but wow how many minutes/hours are we talking about? and isnt there a way to get the files back?
@toksyuryel I'd rather not overdraw my account or push back my PC even further...i'm done waiting for it >.<
@toksyuryel That's stupid.
Going to have a bath now. Sudden mood drops are fun. :v
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 20:34:18 UTC from web-
@scribble :D WUB WUB WUB
@purplephish20 @scribble !hugscribble i could do with wubs too...really upset i lost all my work i did today! >.<
@cavatina !hugcavatina WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB
Friday, 20-Jul-12 16:53:38 UTC from web
Thursday, 19-Jul-12 18:26:34 UTC from web
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 14:55:05 UTC from web
Right, have to go out for a bit. See you all later. <3 !hugcavatina !hugwoona !hugphishy !hughaku !hugeverypony
Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 12:23:27 UTC from web -
*Snuggles @woona, @ceruleanspark, @scribble, @lyrica, @hakupony, @purplephish20 tightly*
Monday, 09-Jul-12 18:23:04 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 Like a circle pit, just snuggling instead of moshing :P
@cavatina *Hugs even tighter than that, back* :3
@hakupony OH
@greydragon412 I want to !hugcavatina now :3
Monday, 09-Jul-12 18:08:51 UTC from web-
@bitshift There's more to it than just the thumbnailing, but that's certainly a very visible reason.
@woona Like this?
also... @scribble @ cavatina @purplephis20 !hugscribble, !hugcavatina !hugphishy. I always wanted to hug all of you three at once :D
Monday, 09-Jul-12 12:12:29 UTC from web -
@greydragon412 YOU LEAVE KATY ALONE! If theres one person you dont mutilate its katy
Sunday, 08-Jul-12 22:07:53 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark You simply are a mystery to me. I don't dislike nor like you because I still don't really know you. But given from what I know, you don't seem to be a horrible person.
@ceruleanspark You. are. not. a. horrible. person! Please get that through your noggin! I mean it!
@hakupony Give it time.
Good afternoon. !hugcavatina
Sunday, 08-Jul-12 11:22:37 UTC from web -
Morning/afternoon everypony. x3 !hugcavatina
Sunday, 08-Jul-12 11:19:04 UTC from web-
@woona I'm doing pretty good, not so achey and tired now. xD
@scribble also yay for using an actually nice avatar~. @purplephish20 dont waste your hugs on me~.
@cavatina There is no such thing as a wasted hug.
Friday, 06-Jul-12 10:07:17 UTC from web
*grumbles, hides in the ceiling*
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 12:31:00 UTC from web -
Morning everyone...*hugs @woona*
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 10:28:35 UTC from web-
@cavatina Wouldn't matter, the tightness would be constant full capacity
@purplephish20 silly...
@cavatina eenope :)
NIght everypony, been so busy today....<3 *huggles big brother @ceruleanspark*
Saturday, 30-Jun-12 22:59:21 UTC from web-
@cavatina !hugcavatina <3 night night
@cavatina Night.
@cavatina !hugcavatina! #HUGS Goodnight, Princess~
!hugscribble, !hugcavatina in #doublehugs
Friday, 29-Jun-12 16:51:40 UTC from web- - and derpyshy / chem like this.
- derpyshy / chem and - repeated this.
@scribble Why Wuv Woo! \^3^/
@derpyshy Why wuv woo tew :3
@scribble Why wub woo mow!
Had a fun day with @cavatina :3
Friday, 29-Jun-12 16:39:42 UTC from web-
@derpyshy No, people need to make !hugkatyandrammy !
@purplephish20 Hehe, okie doke x3
@cavatina No, somepony should make !hugscribbleandrammyandcavatinaandeveryponyelse ^3^
Had a super fun day with @Scribble :3
Friday, 29-Jun-12 16:34:36 UTC from web -
I missed this game too much...
Friday, 29-Jun-12 10:11:20 UTC from web-
@derpyshy Yus x3
@greydragon412 i never beat vayne...xD. 1000 Hours went into that game, just in side quests....x3
@cavatina its time to !HUGCAVATINA! :D
I'm done with my work for the day :D!
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 22:09:35 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Thats me!
@cavatina Yes! That means more !hugcavatina-time :D
Right...breaks over, back to programming. Wish me luck! !hugcavatina?
Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 16:56:08 UTC from web-
@cavatina Bye Princess, good luck, take care, and #huggles