Group actions

Thank mrdragon for everything!
!thankmrdragon thankdragon
Thank mrdragon for everything. It's all because of him. RDN staying up, bronies ponying around the site, little children having a smile on their face. Everything.
Thank mrdragon for everything! (thankmrdragon) group
I think "Depose" would be accurate.
Sunday, 02-Jun-13 18:25:09 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark Wonder if this is still around, !blamecerulean and !thankmrdragon
@mrdragon Oh how that makes me laugh
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
And it's finally got its own subdomain. Nice! !thankceruleanspark
Sunday, 08-Jul-12 16:31:51 UTC from web-
@mrdragon Oh, it was you? Sorry, I just assumed it was him since he owns the domain now. !thankmrdragon ^_^
@toksyuryel We share.
@ceruleanspark Ah.
Why the sudden spitfire crazyness?
Saturday, 31-Mar-12 05:49:05 UTC from web-
@generalno1 Because she is best fire and !thankmrdragon
@mrdragon hi
Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 04:19:11 UTC from web -
That donate link is the slowest thing.
Tuesday, 27-Mar-12 19:18:18 UTC from web-
@rotation More people should do that thing.
@ceruleanspark I was just wondering if there was any particular reason you chose mine.
@rotation 'cause it was the first one I saw on the subject
That feel when someone drags you in to a conversation at random, only to find they want your opinion on what type of condoms to use...
Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 16:35:25 UTC from web-
@mrdragon That would a conversation answered with an awkward silence and this look:
@mrdragon Damnit...