Group actions

!blameredenchilada banned blamered
Everything is @redenchilada's fault. Even the things that aren't his fault (ESPECIALLY the things that aren't his fault).
Blame RedEnchilada (blameredenchilada) group
@snowconejuicewithpulp No. !blameredenchilada. Always. ALWAYS !blameredenchilada.
Sunday, 17-Feb-13 22:45:29 UTC from web-
@snowconejuicewithpulp Nah. Its always red
@snowconejuicewithpulp More likely red
@snowconejuicewithpulp About the time she left the site.
@foxgopher Wee! Alex
Thursday, 14-Feb-13 20:05:10 UTC from web-
@foxgopher yes and no. I drove it, it runs, but it's being checked up on now, so it'd down for about 2-3 more days. Did you see my YouTube video of its idle?
@renovatedkitchen Nope
@foxgopher don't worry about the white stuff. That's snow. Lol.
Red, you know too much about all these cons and stuff. You're a double agent. !blameredenchilada
stupid world !blameredenchilada
Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:59:49 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen Thanks for the add. :)
@xeleanorxrigbyx So like, Resident Evil isn't even here.
@xeleanorxrigbyx No prob. Dont mind the uploaded pictures of the car. It looked completely horrible back then.
@widget you know what. You all force me to bring up the secret weapon. Cm10.... Simply !blameredenchilada
@gladosenchilada people will make grapes. If there are no grapes, many will go dungeon every hour I don't have my grapes
@renovatedkitchen Depends what you mean, one I should be or the one I was/somewhat am,
@mrdragon everyone's gotta be a dick sometimes. Most people fail to see reality until someone like that tells them straight up.
Don't !blamegherkin, !blameredenchilada.
Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 02:46:00 UTC from web-
@bitshift And now that song is stuck in my head. Good job. :P
@bitshift Oh yeah, that group hasn't been deleted yet.
@redenchilada :<
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
/me just kinda sneakily deletes !blameredenchilada and hopes nobody notices
Monday, 23-Jul-12 20:09:12 UTC from web-
@redenchilada !banned for !moderatorpowertrip
Bit Shift likes this. -
@thatonepony I know you don't.
@minti Also nice logo heh.
@mrconventrix Got it. If you act like an idiot, its reds fault. !blamered
Sunday, 22-Jul-12 14:29:27 UTC from web-
@techdisk42 Oh good. I can use blamered. Im not writing that name out.
[s]ive never been banned before[/s]
Sunday, 22-Jul-12 05:03:38 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony 14%.
@techdisk42 okay. well soon it shall be dead. did i add you earlier on skype?
@theawesomepony I dunno. the_canadian_gamer is my name there.