42 Wallaby Way Sydney
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@rarity i'm too lazy to look up the source for something i read like a week or two ago and don't really care about that much
@rarity which is fixing itself despite emissions still going up.
@rarity i've never really bought into the whole "we need to go green because we're killing the planet" thing. I'm not opposed to renewable energy for energy independence but how are carbon credits more important than dealing with what to do with all of our trash which there are mountains of.
@rarity because the overpaid green scientests realized people weren't buying it and needed a different name for it?
@fyf "it's never really been global warming it's climate change." "Why does your bumper sticker say 'stay green and fight global warming' then?"
I actually had some one explain to me that the reason we are expecting one of the coldest and longest winters in recent history is caused by global WARMING.
Anyways I'm done. I think i've proven how global warming is a dumb concept along with most of the people who really defend it.
Wednesday, 24-Sep-14 00:02:22 UTC from web -
@meloetta don't insult science. It's what I believe in. Now you'll burn in eternal global warmjng induced forest fires for not believing
@meloetta don't question something that has been accepted for 15 years! Who are you who knows better than scientists?!?! They know all and observe all and study all of the ways the world heats
@meloetta not for long!!!! Your land shall be flooded and you shall burn due to climbing temperatures. Repent your sins against the environment repent repent!
@meloetta survey says no. You are a planet killer and will burn in 125 degree weather brought on by global warminh
The second coming of Global Warming is only a matter of time. Repent your sins against the enviroments and welcome trees into your heart and leaves into your compost pile
Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 23:52:42 UTC from web -
@meloetta 33 minutes later and you're still not back. How are we supposed to save the planet when you waste so much water?
One dude walks into a bar and breaks his nose
I was slow driving south with the top drop down,
her hair in the wind, Tom Petty up loud.
You gave me that look, you licked them lips.
I said, "Hang on baby, better pull over for this."
I don't wanna get DWK, driving while kissing they'll put you away.Thursday, 11-Sep-14 09:38:11 UTC from web -
@northernnarwhal i jam out to this bananas. Crank it up and make the neighboors shout
@rarity i can do better but I've always listened to basshunter all the way back like 6 years ago so i got a connection to his music
@rarity @northernnawhal i've been on a massive basshunter kick lately.
You are the light in the dark, you are the beating in my heart, but that's not enough, will you ever be by my side.
@northernnarwhal i've gotten 15 minute lunches.
Jag känner en bot, Hon heter Anna Anna heter hon,
och hon kan banna banna dig så hårt, hon röjer upp i våran kanal jag vill berätta för dig att jag känner en botSaturday, 06-Sep-14 02:21:42 UTC from web -
@nerthos he didn't I'll ask him next time.
@ellieellie maybe they're just tsundere
@nickocat not even 420. Are you even blazn m90
@nerthos wrong pot. Potsexuals like their pansexual counterparts are simply aroused by various cooking appliances.
@ellieellie what about potsexuals
Vi sitter här i venten o spelar lite DotA o pushar på o smeker med moståndet vi leker.
Friday, 05-Sep-14 11:36:58 UTC from web -
@drinsomnia print a funny meme picture of a cute pony from the internet and put it on two big flags and put one up in your dorm and wear the other as a cape. The bronies will find you.
@cinnamonswirl what is that now? the world ends because everyone becomes hippie?