Group actions

!notfurry furryfree nofurries skinsecuted
A group for people who are not furries and are tired of being oppressed by the furry masses.
No Furries Allowed (notfurry) group
Monday, 06-Jul-15 16:58:19 UTC from web
Friday, 12-Jun-15 21:25:00 UTC from web
That genuinely made me make a hurt :0 face
Saturday, 28-Feb-15 00:47:58 UTC from web-
@tiffany !Yesfurries
Wednesday, 18-Feb-15 13:18:18 UTC from web
@darkw00d well, everyone in her game is
Tuesday, 10-Feb-15 03:34:48 UTC from web-
@mushi It does have some pretty nice visuals, don't know if I'd play it but it looks nice
@northernnarwhal YEah, the game's world is pretty nice. well, it isnt much long. With all the sidequests i did i think i beat that in a little more than 30 hours, so it would be worht a try on an emulator or something
Tuesday, 10-Feb-15 03:15:22 UTC from web
Let's sleep
Thursday, 22-Jan-15 02:23:28 UTC from web -
Fur Forever!
Monday, 12-Jan-15 02:35:02 UTC from web -
please love me
Friday, 02-Jan-15 06:12:21 UTC from web-
@northernnarwhal not even close to amazing
@yodelerty Yeah true amazing doesn't do you justice
@northernnarwhal more like hundreds of times more than i deserve
Monday, 22-Dec-14 02:25:54 UTC from web
@coutz ew smooth skins
Coltzerino likes this.
Friday, 14-Nov-14 14:43:53 UTC from web
- orungano likes this.
@l1ghtsword kiwi that fart yiffer
... Is that for realzies ?
Monday, 27-Oct-14 18:38:14 UTC from web-
@vcgriffin Contrary to popular belief, Texas isn't 100% barren desert. It's a big state.
@zeldatra But every single person there have at least one gun and use cowboy hats all the time, right?
@critialcloudkicker what the actual papaya.
Sunday, 26-Oct-14 01:20:33 UTC from web
- Light likes this.
- Light and RDN's Lucifer repeated this.
Let's go all the way tonight. No regrets, just yiff. #replacelovewithyiff
Your RDN fave is problematic: Tiffany
literal trashSunday, 12-Oct-14 18:35:45 UTC from web-
@potatao @monstertdi Yiffany
MetalTao likes this. -
@thelastgherkin I thought we were friends
MetalTao likes this.
Thursday, 09-Oct-14 01:49:02 UTC from web
@scriboos I like him too~
Light likes this. -
@monstertdi Oh, behave~
Light likes this. -
@scriboos Yes'm :c
Pokémon is a one big animal orgy.
Monday, 01-Sep-14 04:45:02 UTC from web-
@metaltao A toaf?
@northernnarwhal Yes, a toaf!
@metaltao Tofu?
@ellie That works too. Where's Tiff?
Monday, 11-Aug-14 03:36:48 UTC from web-
@nerthos Robotnic? i thought he died during the 4chan war?
@l1ghtsword They revived him with the dragon balls.
@nerthos :O OMG thats great!
Thank god for !notfurry
Saturday, 26-Jul-14 05:23:55 UTC from web -
Saturday, 26-Jul-14 03:47:05 UTC from web
- Light likes this.
- RDN's Lucifer repeated this.
@mastertdi I should join that......
@l1ghtsword yes
Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 04:52:50 UTC from web
Saturday, 05-Jul-14 01:48:12 UTC from web
Where's my flamethrower
Friday, 04-Jul-14 15:58:20 UTC from web