Group actions

Because nopony can hold such a level of swag and hotness like Thunderlane can!
thunderlane group
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
@greydragon412 Nope, we need to get !braeburn or !thunderlane or !mintisflank into the top groups
Monday, 30-Jul-12 13:02:26 UTC from web-
@greydragon412 It's like cute, or adorable, or many other variants. Basically anything that makes you d'aww. But it's not as limited as those other words.
@greydragon412 Kawaii Is a wonderful piano brand
@greydragon412 well... Kawai is at least
@greydragon412 I've got !Thunderlane, !Fluttershy and !Soarin as my favourite ponies who are pegasi.
Friday, 27-Jul-12 14:02:28 UTC from web- Katy Brown likes this.
@scribble I didnt say right now. I'm just gonna stop talking to you for now because you are being like *this* again...
@silverfeather @scribble we supposedly are, but i wonder sometimes when he snaps at me xD
@scribble I am shallow sometimes.
Why have we never had !thunderlane network yet??? He needs his time in the spotlight!!!!!!!!
Friday, 27-Jul-12 13:58:52 UTC from web- - likes this.
- Scribble and I am an idiot repeated this.
@purplephish20 !Thunderlane and Rumble Network
Requesting awesome !Thunderlane artwork, pic related
Thursday, 26-Jul-12 23:39:43 UTC from web-
@scribble moar!
Toksyuryel likes this.
@scribble dat Thunderlane!
Aside from the cutie mark.... !Thunderlane is finished!!!
Wednesday, 25-Jul-12 20:56:35 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 My number one thing to forget when I was starting out was a) wings and b) cutie marks.
@thelastgherkin I did bring up the cutie mark, Im adding those to the two of them as the very last thing I do
@purplephish20 I'm just saying, is all. I left them until last because I'd forgotten them.
!thunderlane now has a complete mane and tail, pic related, its that tail
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 20:47:42 UTC from web-
@greydragon412 NO
god why the hell am I still up when I've been tired as hell for like 2 hours? Well, Spittfire's stream partially answers that but I must go to bed ._.
Monday, 23-Jul-12 02:49:19 UTC from web-
@ecmc Aww, you aren't using the !Thunderlane avatar anymore? ☹
@toksyuryel I wanna show off my newer art style which looks a lot better :(
@ecmc She does look quite pretty ☺
@mrsconventrix He has all the swag. All of it.
Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 01:44:48 UTC from web-
@abigpony All I do is swag.
@swaggertron @foxgopher @mrsconventrix Well back to Batman
@mrsconventrix I just feel weird about writing the story or even talking about, because I was vocally against shipping when I was first a brony. Then I read a sad story whose ending had Rainbow Dash confessing her feelings at Twilight's grave. I'm already a big softie as it is, so this kind-of-surprise ending hit me hard. My brain pestered me afterward to write my own emotionally driven romance between two best friends.
@thatonepony No.
Tuesday, 17-Jul-12 22:51:03 UTC from web-
@abigpony ah ok. sounded like something else.
@pony fair enough
@ecmc Every time I see your avatar I love !Thunderlane that much more.
@ecmc !thunderlane !soarin Why was I not made immediately aware of this wonderful creation!!??
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 23:30:47 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 I figured you might find it since I tagged it into those groups. Well, I guess I'll try harder to make you aware next time I create something you might like :3
@hoit21 I'm still in bed! Can't get back to sleep though.
Monday, 09-Jul-12 07:44:01 UTC from web-
@ecmc Wow. I missed so many words there. That's how tired I am I guess.
@ecmc Try closing your eyes and imagining yourself snuggling with !Thunderlane.
@ecmc Dude... It's 8.47, git yo @$$ up!
- there ya go !Soarin !Thunderlane
Monday, 09-Jul-12 00:39:09 UTC from web-
@ecmc that is cool
lol gais srsly don't search for images for !Thunderlane on Google. Not even on strict safesearch, unless, you know, you like "that stuff that most people don't like".
Sunday, 08-Jul-12 22:02:40 UTC from web-
@scribble Thunderlane, do want
@purplephish20 This has become increasingly apparent to me as of late, mainly because I've been drawing him. I can't believe I didn't realise earlier how awesome he is.
@ecmc Oh yeah.... he's now one of my favourite characters
What the hell. I can find only one !Thunderlane wallpaper on deviantart, and to be honest, it's pretty crap, and smaller than my screen resolution anyways.
Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 00:27:56 UTC from web-
@ecmc Check the earliest post in the thunderlane group... I might have posted one... Or scribble did
I'm gonna go gets me some Thunderlane wallpapers. Maybe it will help me memorise his design, even though I barely ever see my desktop background.
Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 00:21:11 UTC from web-
@ecmc Ahh yes... !thunderlane I had good reason to make that group..
Time to add !Thunderlane to this drawing.
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:47:36 UTC from web -
@scribble I now have a separate !Thunderlane folder
Saturday, 30-Jun-12 17:05:48 UTC from web -
Saturday, 30-Jun-12 17:01:46 UTC from web
@woona !thunderlane Sounds like fun!
Saturday, 30-Jun-12 16:44:34 UTC from web -
Saturday, 30-Jun-12 16:38:58 UTC from web