Rainbow Dash fans, UNITE! She makes everything 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat.
shyderp groups
rainbowdash Rainbow Dash Fans
fluttershy Fluttershy Fan Group
Group for fans of Fluttershy. Come and join...I mean, if you want to...
videogameponies Video Game Ponies!
A group for all the ponies who enjoy playing video games! From FPS to RPG to RTS!
lgbt Lesbian, Gay, Bi, & Trans Ponies
A place where LGBT My Little Pony fans come together. Join us, we have rainbows in our cookies!
londonbronies London Bronies London
Hi, This is the start of a group to organise a London based meet! Please sign up if you live anywhere near the area and want to meet other UK bronies. So if you have any ideas of places we could go please let me know and help this become an awesome meet.
pinkiepiecupcakes Fans of Cupcakes Pinkie Pie's Basement http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011
For all of the ponies who love Cupcakes as much as me. And now there's a comic! http://pinkanon.deviantart.com/
minecraftponies Minecraft Ponies MIENCRRRRRRRAFT!
This is the group for ponies who play the computer game minecraft.
blamepurpletinker It's Always Purple Tinker's Fault
Got a problem and you don't know what to do? BLAME TINKER. EVERYTHING IS HER DOING, TERRIBLE ADMIN etc etc jk we love you Tink~
3dspony 3DS Ponies http://www.rainbowdash.net/group/videogameponies
Sub group for Video Game Ponies. Posting a friend code for the 3DS? Join this group so others can see!
spitfire Spitfire is Best Pony
Name says it all! This group is for everyone who loves Spitfire! (You don't necessarily have to believe she is best pony, but it doesn't hurt. ^.^ )
mintrefresh Mint Refresh THE INTERWEBS http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/123825
A script akin to RDNRefresh. Refreshes the timeline of the page by fetching data from the site and asynchronously displays it on the page for your viewing pleasure!
steam Steam Gamers Anywhere http://store.steampowered.com/
For those of us who play games over Steam.
rdnrefresh RainbowDash Refresh Teh Interwebs http://rainbowdash.net/rdnrefresh.user.js
RDN Refresh is obsolete. Most features are now built into the site.
blamecerulean Blame ceruleanspark for everything.
Ceruleanspark totally sucks, everything is his fault. Got a problem? Call 1-800-BOO-CERU. Because cerulean sucks so much he has a phone number dedicated to his suckiness. PS: This is all a joke.