Group actions
It's Always Purple Tinker's Fault
!blamepurpletinker blametinker itspurpletinkersfault
Got a problem and you don't know what to do? BLAME TINKER. EVERYTHING IS HER DOING, TERRIBLE ADMIN etc etc jk we love you Tink~
It's Always Purple Tinker's Fault (blamepurpletinker) group
@snowconejuicewithpulp I miss !blamepurpletinker :'(
Tuesday, 19-Feb-13 01:09:15 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker Yes. But you don't become a swordsman without a couple cuts. I'm completely aware that I will be hurt more than once, but aren't those three things worth standing all the suffering?
@nerthos Without actually have seen what you have seen this would be a near impossible thing to judge for myself I'm afraid. Although I do fully agree that you must fight for what you believe in and that the moment you can get there without having to face any dangers and/or the fear of harm. Any journey to your own personal goal would become as worthless as tissue-paper.
@critialcloudkicker Listen to this. basically what I see is a big picture of the future events pertaining to a person or group of them when talking to them or watching them in some way. It's just empathy up to eleven, which works kind of like a form of clarivoyance. It's really useful even if it can easily ruin relations.
Gherkin is either directly or indirectly at fault for everything, he also is the most common reason people leave, feel free to call him out on it. !blamegherkin
Tuesday, 09-Oct-12 02:42:02 UTC from web-
@countscribus Or !blamepurpletinker !blameceruleanspsark !blameredenchliada and the ought to be !blamemrdragon and !blameminti
@greenenchilada *and !blamewidget, !blamecabal
Don't blame it on the sunshine. Don't blame it on the moonlight. Don't blame it on the good times. !BlameGherkin
Tuesday, 28-Aug-12 19:46:57 UTC from web- -, Bit Shift and Matthew Broderick like this.
- Bit Shift and - repeated this.
@thelastgherkin Typically I just blame it on the rotgut whiskey.
@scribus Oh crumbs! I made the same joke with !blamepurpletinker 11 months ago!
@thelastgherkin Whaddayaknow? You did!
!blamepurpletinker why doesn't anypony ever tell me about these groups????
Monday, 09-Jul-12 06:15:16 UTC from web -
Lel, my notice was deleted for no reason.
Monday, 09-Jul-12 06:11:25 UTC from web-
Yodelerty's Steps To Life 2.0: 1. Make fun of Scootaloo. 2. Get banned from RDN.
TheFunkyTortoise likes this.
Odd. Sonic CD won't play sound for me any more.
Monday, 21-May-12 13:54:21 UTC from StatusNet Android -
Thursday, 17-May-12 22:02:55 UTC from web- Scribus likes this.
- Scribus repeated this.
@thelastgherkin I swear, I started the whole "make a group blaming someone" thing and now everyone's copying me. !blamepurpletinker
Oh My God, I Recognize, Like, Three People On Here. Maybe I should Come Back More Often Or Something?
Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 00:51:43 UTC from web-
@carcino Si así es como lo ves, está bien por mi.
@grimauxiliatrix I bet it would xD I should try if I ever go to another country.
@nerthos No pretender lo contrario.
Did that notice I just posted appear on the public timeline?
Thursday, 05-Apr-12 02:27:19 UTC from web-
@eaglehooves I'm going to buck the trend and !blamepurpletinker even though she hasn't had anything to do with the site recently.
@redenchilada It happened to me once before recently too. I think I tagged a group in that one too, so I don't know if that might be something to do with it.
@redenchilada !blameeveryone?
@comradescootaloo Months ago. Back when we used !blamepurpletinker instead of blamecerulean.
Monday, 02-Apr-12 21:08:29 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@comradescootaloo It's not hurting anyone, really.
@stecissunrise is that supposed to be a young rob halford?
@purplephish20 LOL almost! He's actually my OC Sunrise.
This is concerning...
Sunday, 18-Mar-12 15:59:09 UTC from web-
@redenchilada then to the moon with them!
@redenchilada @purplephish20 I have no idea, it appeared on my Tumblr dashboard and I wondered if it was related to any of the brony transphobia I've been hearing about recently. Not that I've actually experienced it, since I'm only active here and UKofE and you're all lovely.
@conventrix I've personally never really gotten into reddit, so I can't say one way or the other.
@redenchilada hows this
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 18:16:41 UTC from web-
@maldoror Oh @redenchilada what have you done?
@minti Thanks I joined :U
And now, a war on who's to blame! :D
Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 18:56:11 UTC from web-
@nerthos Eenope
@scribbs !blamecerulean for her not knowing the blame x joke.
RDN's Lucifer likes this. -
@scribbs oh right. okay. i feel so out of the loop.
who is this fluff puff I am so confused, and why is every pony blaming some pony.
Monday, 12-Mar-12 23:57:31 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Why blame me?!
@chiefanchor @zimzap the hay?
@minti Because the evidence all smells of mint.
Whatsup bronies. Stoked to finally have gotten around to joining this site. If anyone can give me any info on when meetups happen I would be totally stoked.
Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:42:25 UTC from web-
@chiefanchor I was drinking Tea when I read that. Now I need a new desk, thanks. #FlufflePuffForAdmin2012
RDN's Lucifer likes this. -
@chiefanchor !Carcinoformod
RDN Exploded for a bit. !blamecerulean
Monday, 12-Mar-12 23:39:10 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@minti oh! Their names are Sigfried and Roy.
@redenchilada !blamecerulean that we can't !blamepurpletinker anymore.
derps likes this. -
@redenchilada Hey, we can still blame her! Even if she has nothing to do, just to keep our ancient traditions!
I think !blamepurpletinker is obsolete now. :( LET'S REPURPOSE IT
Monday, 12-Mar-12 15:11:21 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:07:52 UTC from web -
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 21:31:31 UTC from web
Friday, 03-Feb-12 14:37:05 UTC from TTYtter -
So, how about I start hanging out here again from time to time? I think that would be pleasant.
Friday, 20-Jan-12 17:01:21 UTC from web-
@theowl Well, I don't really believe in ghosts, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was all fake. And eh, don't worry 'bout it. Didn't really plan to go there anyway.
@redenchilada Sounds almost like me, if you know what I mean #YaarHarrFiddleDeeDee
@theowl I wasn't picky with who I associated with back then!
Saturday, 24-Dec-11 04:47:16 UTC from web-
@madflavors You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?
@miloth Muhahahahaha
@nlghtmaremoon Lol :p
It's been awhile since I blamed @purpletinker. I !blamepurpletinker for this.
Thursday, 22-Dec-11 00:36:52 UTC from web -
I learned last night that some ponies thought that I falsely claimed to have been robbed of $800 because I spent $800 on the Monster Pie plushie. Only one problem with that-- I didn't buy Monster Pie. She isn't mine. She's on loan to me. Anypony who asked the artist could have learned this, but nopony bothered to ask the artist. I guess some ponies prefer conspiracy theories to fact-finding!
Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 18:11:54 UTC from web-
@purpletinker Conspiracy is so much more exciting.
@greydragon412 Always blame the cat xD
Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 17:06:52 UTC from web-
@shori Don't blame the cat! !blamepurpletinker!
@redenchilada xD
@greydragon412 NO, AFTERWARDS I CHECKED ('cause a "." does not cancel it, I've done it before.) AND IT DISSAPPEARED. I !BLAMEPURPLETINKER.
Saturday, 26-Nov-11 19:01:09 UTC from web-
@fluttershy321 I guess so actually, i never really put much thought into anything between anypony
@ponyveteran ? Why not ?
@fluttershy321 I don't know, it's a show. I never put much thoughts into shows or anything.
@abigpony Of course it is! !blamepurpletinker
Monday, 21-Nov-11 08:48:49 UTC from web-
@abigpony Everybody happy!
@fallinwinter ha
@abigpony What was I thinking
Man the brony CSI episode is gonna be so great.
- - repeated this.
@thelastgherkin I feel like I would be on the suspects list.
@ceruleanspark Everyone would be. Everyone covets the giant Pinkie Pie.
@thelastgherkin So much covet.
Wednesday, 16-Nov-11 23:57:47 UTC from web
@redenchilada Perhaps close the tab and open it again? I got it immediately.
@abigpony @moonprincess Nope. Nothing. Is it the AdBlock?
@abigpony Well, in that case, I have no idea!
Add to the list of rules: No longer allowed to threaten fellow brony with “SHUT YOUR HOLE OR I SELL YOUR BABY.”
Sunday, 13-Nov-11 01:43:49 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Wait, you did get the joke?
@miloth It showed up on my personal timeline.
@redenchilada ah.