Group actions
!straightbronies heterosexualbronies straight
Are you only sexually attracted to the other gender? Are you proud on having the future of the species on your hands (or pants)? Well now there's a place for you. That place is here.
Straight Bronies (straightbronies) group
ur all straight
Tuesday, 28-Apr-15 22:20:44 UTC from web- monsutaa kaado! likes this.
- monsutaa kaado! repeated this.
@nerthos *brother's
!straightbronies I hate this groups picture.
Monday, 30-Sep-13 00:35:03 UTC from web-
@sprite I love Rainbow Dash, so I don't like any dash shippings. (I'm like mushi but with dashie).
@thepersonapony why?
@thepersonapony Why??
Have I mentioned that I'm !Straight today?
Thursday, 25-Apr-13 08:02:43 UTC from web -
@vt3c Come to the straight refuge. We have pictures of women in revealing attires.
Monday, 22-Apr-13 04:03:09 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Smoochie, smoochie! . . . WAIT ARE YOU OVER 18 OR 18 AT THE LEAST!?!? D:
@fhqwhgads at this point does it even REALLY matter?
@flamingpandaomg Well, I should probably not be courting le underag-ed, what with my turning all of *pre-emptive gasp!* THIRTY! this year.
!straight has 69 members. Something about this fact feels wrong
Sunday, 21-Apr-13 22:01:12 UTC from web-
@redenchilada okay.
@rarity You were the one asking why it existed
@redenchilada and I said okay?
!straightbronies I'm close enough.
Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 09:18:44 UTC from web -
@ceruleanspark Here.
Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 07:49:41 UTC from web- Rising Superstar Eric likes this.
@anarchycarcino That Terezi is the best.
@nerthos Any Terezi kicking Dave in his useless groin is the best.
!straight this feels like something I should have been a part of.
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:16:48 UTC from StatusNet Android -
Oh wait, everyone here is gay. Nevermind.
Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 22:14:29 UTC from web-
@jennythemonster according to this, bronies fit within the statistical norms of society as far as sxuality goes.
@scribble waaaaaaahhh D:
@pony Cool. XD
Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 07:07:28 UTC from web
@minti yuo're in both so you can properly use !straight and !lbgt
@greydragon412 ... I guess that can be my reason. Nice thinking, gray.
@minti Or because you developed two gender identities but are only in one gender. If you think about that, if you were into a girl, you could count as lesbian and as straight.
!strait im glad that this group is here
Sunday, 27-May-12 23:58:42 UTC from web-
@abigpony yeah i derped
@thatonepony Well I'm sorry for being !straight then. *pfft*
Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 00:56:04 UTC from web- Caim repeated this.
@thatonepony :'( Okay....
So if there are groups for straight and bi/gay/etc. ponies, does this mean I can make a group for ponies who have no idea what the hell their sexuality is even doing?
Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:37:25 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 @cavatina CRUSH. KILL. DESTROY.
@purplephish20 @Scribble bingo :3
@scribble SWAAG
!straight Epic group is epic! I'm straight, like a boss! xD
Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:34:43 UTC from web -
Im going to request again now other people are online, does anyone have any pictures of ponies wearing dresses? Long dresses, as in one long piece of fabric.
Monday, 16-Apr-12 19:18:06 UTC from web-
@scribus Nope, but now I'm worried about what that picture might be if it's what you immediately assume when someone's screaming at a picture.
@bitshift It's a fursuit similar to the Dash one you posted. Total nightmare screwjob, someone will probably redash it if we discuss it enough. BUT I MUST AWAY!!
@scribus exactly what I was thinking
@redenchilada Ikr? now my question to you is !straight mare or stallion?
Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 06:31:44 UTC from web -
Those times when you feel like the only !straight person on the site.
Monday, 02-Apr-12 18:33:05 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Being secure with my masculinity is my thing haha
@redenchilada You're not alone, man. There are like, five of us! We are legion!
@redenchilada ditto.
@jimmyrustler That's the second time I see a half link from you. is what is displayed on my screen and I can't connect with that :P
Thursday, 22-Mar-12 14:50:34 UTC from Choqok-
@thecloakednightmare I'm not always this kind, sometimes I'm quite a jerk (though mostly when I push a bit too much trying to help people, so not on purpose) =/ I guess calling me your friend is fine though, I don't care really much, life is just passing of time anyway ._.
@omni sounds like someopne is a cranky doodle! ;)
@omni I can be quite like that as well. Sometimes too insistive on helping and stuff like that. Ok. Thanks. :) I've enjoyed talking to you.
!straightbronies Hey guys, let's talk about girls. Hey girls, let's talk about guys.
Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 16:38:12 UTC from web- Pinkie Pie and Yotes like this.
- Pony repeated this.
@redenchilada Girls with semi-athletic bodies and not-so-long hair. *daydreaming*
Is that time of the day when I shamelessly promote this group! !straightbronies
Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 16:35:18 UTC from web-
@jimmyrustler It's pretty easy, in fact, but there's not much "queality merchandise" to say it that way.
@nerthos *quality
@jimmyrustler Indeed. But the thing is, there are not many good ones. They're like, 4% or something like that. It takes time, effort, caring, nice words, and work. And whitstanding some pretty boring stuff too, with a good face.
I think now is as good a time as ever to promote !straightbronies :D
Monday, 19-Mar-12 01:19:46 UTC from web- Caim repeated this.
@pony I'm not squeamish, in fact I don't even react to that stuff, but you're a damn creeper and that kind of talk belongs to SBN, not here. I think I'll just start ignoring you.
@nerthos *sigh*
@nerthos haha, I see. Yeah, I think I said that sometime last night. Can't remember when.
Saturday, 17-Mar-12 22:05:10 UTC from web
@minti Best. Error. Ever.
@greydragon412 For the most part, it's still a mockery of the English language. xDD
@nerthos lolwut