H.P. Lovecraft isn't about Harry Potter love craft.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 11:51:24 UTC from Choqok-
@broniebrown I hadn't considered until now that many parts of the internet might assume H.P. Lovecraft was either a Harry Potter shipping fanfic or a fancy valentine printer from Hewlett Packard.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:37:19 UTC from web-
@pony it couldo have been a spin off book about HArry Potter learning how to make love potions
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:38:21 UTC from web-
@mushi Aye. I figure that would naturally lead to shipping.
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:40:03 UTC from web-
@pony not shipping. for academical interests only
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:40:57 UTC from web-
@mushi Oh I see. Yes. Purely academic...
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:41:30 UTC from web
@pony Let's combine those three: H.P. Lovecraft printing on HP printers Harry Potter shipping stories (Harry Potter / Cthulhu)
Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 13:39:40 UTC from Choqok