John Doe's home timeline


  1. !utahbronies Any of you bronies hanging out in Southern Utah?

    Sunday, 17-Jul-11 18:49:32 UTC from web
  2. !utahbronies Hey look, I've joined your group.

    Friday, 15-Jul-11 23:55:01 UTC from web
  3. !utahbronies If there is a meetup in the works, sooner rather than later works for me. I leave for Scotland on August 2nd and start at the U immediately upon my return.

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 21:47:22 UTC from web
  4. @ponygeist Perhaps you are right, thinking about it, I need to get everyone I converted into !utahbronies, and I know several of them have cars. Thanks for letting me know anyway.

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 21:21:02 UTC from web
  5. !utahbronies This group got much bigger. When I joined, we had 7-8 members? Now we are up to 17! This is exciting. I don't know if I can make any of the meetups, mostly for transportation purposes, but I would love to hear more about Utah Bronies from all you.

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 21:10:29 UTC from web
  6. !utahbronies Excellent to see this group! Hope the meetup is before I go into the MTC.

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 19:26:21 UTC from web
  7. @eliaphir Hey, do you want an avatar for the !utahbronies group? A friend of mine cooked up a seal for a local meet up we had some time ago if you want it.

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:22:47 UTC from web
  8. !utahbronies nice to see the group growing by the day, any plans for a meetup yet?

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 14:11:15 UTC from web
  9. !utahbronies *fluttershy voice* yay

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 11:29:25 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies Glad to see there's finally a group for us Utah bronies. Anyone attending the Y?

      Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:52:10 UTC from web
      • !utahbronies Glad to see there at least a good handful of us in Utah besides the ones I've converted. Out of curiosity, any of you bronies go to the U of U? If so, we need to organize a pony club.

        Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:18:08 UTC from web
      • !utahbronies hey, I'm a born nevaden in salt lake for school, mind if I join up with this group?

        Thursday, 14-Jul-11 04:56:23 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies Nice to see a group for Utah ^_^

          Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 06:43:30 UTC from web