Group actions
Salt Lake City
Well, I assume you love My Little Pony if your residing on this website; therefore, if you live in Utah, this is the group for you! Information on meetups will be posted. Join our facebook group. :)
Utah Bronies (utahbronies) group
Hey, this here place seems to be about dead... Does anypony know of a more active online community of Utah bronies? Or better, a group that meets irl near West Valley?
Friday, 27-Mar-15 00:04:25 UTC from web-
@ironlightning117 I don't know if there are any. You could start one though...
@eryx welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!
@ironlightning117 No if you get this message it means i came out of my 1 year hibernation. There is no group here or a group at all for Utah bronies really. This is the best I think that came out of Utah. Nice to meet ya.
!byubronies !utahbronies We'll be having a season 5 premier showing live on the 4th of April at 9 a.m. in room 377 of the Clyde Building on BYU campus (Provo). Our normal meetup will still happen at 4 p.m. in room 381 where we'll probably have a re-screening.
@tia is there anypony going to the S5 premiere (or the rescreening) from SLC (west valley, more specifically) that you know of? I'd like to set up a carpool with them.
!utahbronies !byubronies The third annual Crystal Mountain Pony Con in will be happening this summer (July 17-18, 2015) in Salt Lake City, UT. Click "Show More" for details and pre-registration
!utahbronies CMPC has launched their Indiegogo campaign. Utahns and other local go check it out! --
!utahbronies !byubronies Upcoming social for everypony who can make it. Free cutiemark glitter tattoos for the first 50 to RSVP on Facebook! Also, that same day, we're going to watch the new EqG Rainbow Rocks movie in theaters. If I get details for that I'll post them later. Keep an eye out in the brony facebook groups.
!utahbronies I wanna go to this con in Denver, but i'm going to need to carpool and split a hotel if I do.
Monday, 11-Aug-14 23:55:57 UTC from web-
@rotaryhum Not me, but speaking about cons I'm organizing an illegal horse race
Coltzerino likes this. -
@rotaryhum welcome!
!utahbronies Awesome con!
Monday, 11-Aug-14 16:12:48 UTC from web -
Something tell me there are less members here than last time I was on.
Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 18:56:46 UTC from web-
@interrogator We still get a lot of lurkers as I understand.
@pony oh
@pony aye
!utahbronies going to blow up things soon.
Saturday, 05-Jul-14 00:18:33 UTC from web -
!utahbronies !art From a !BYU brony
#groovy electronic musicFriday, 06-Jun-14 15:34:48 UTC from web -
@dashalicious Ah okay. You should come to the big summer meetup. I requires a permission slip if you're a minor though. I think I posted the details in !utahbronies
Thursday, 29-May-14 06:49:50 UTC from web-
@dashalicious I'm new here, too! Only been here for about a week and a half! ^-^
@dashalicious It's...different. I like how much there is to do here but I'm more used to a small town scene so it's kinda overwhelming and stressful sometimes.
@oracle ? Had to wait a week to get internet installed...if that's what you're asking
Hello., I'm moving to SLC on Sunday and it'd be nice to get to make some friends that have a few similar interests. I've never lived in a big city before and would like any advice and maybe what to expect.
Saturday, 17-May-14 07:14:21 UTC from web-
@baneshea Sounds awesome! I'll keep that in mind for sure. Right now I'm busy with too many things to make it happen in reality.
It sounds like you might be here for the convention anyway. Do you think you'll make it? Aug 8-9th -
@pony I believe so. I was never told an end date, all I know is "mid-August."
@baneshea Ah cool then.
!Utahbronies @stardust minors need a signed permission slip though. I'm not sure why. I think just for organizers liability because it's so big. I'd almost consider it a mini convention.
Thursday, 15-May-14 07:01:37 UTC from web -
Links for this week's !Utahbronies !MLPCCG events:, 05-May-14 07:55:38 UTC from web-
Regarding the !MLPCCG Canterlot Nights pre-release event, here are some useful links for everypony.
Enterplay's FB page:
Pre-release event locations interactive map:
Preview of promos:
Official rules group:
!mlpccg Dumping links for !Utahbronies MLP: CCG groups..., 05-May-14 07:53:31 UTC from web -
!utahbronies I played in my 2nd tournament at Board Game Revolution, this time with a constructed deck, but I lost even more horribly. On the bright side I've improved thanks to my defeat and I still got the basic prize.
I need to whittle down my deck size a bit since I'm currently over 60 cards. That's still much better than the previous 80+Tuesday, 15-Apr-14 08:44:24 UTC from web-
@pony you need to trimoff the excess - doesntatter how many cards LOOK good, only a few will be effective for your deck
@prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline I've learned this the hard way, but at least I've learned it well.
The Utah mountain pony con is going to be a success! They got to there goal yeah!
Tuesday, 08-Apr-14 17:34:08 UTC from web -
Well I've finally finished organizing my pony CCG cards. It took the better half of the night, but it helped keep me alert for work. and.. now.. my eyes are very heavy. In more exciting news I participated in my first CCG tournament of any kind. It happened to be an MLP CCG tournament. I placed very close to middle despite needing to leave early and forfeit one match. I got Gyro as a prize. My wife got Parasprite Swarm, and every player got a pror foil Twilight. It was worth the 8 bucks for both me and her.
Tuesday, 08-Apr-14 09:58:50 UTC from web-
@pony cc: !utahbronies !BYU
There will likely be a pony CCG tournament every other week in the game shop we visited. The prizes are nice. I'd really love to get a Big Mac foil promo card (for first place). -
@snowcone 252 plus promos.
@snowcone the ultra rares are hard to get. Bleh..
Hello everyone this is my first or second message but I'd like everyone to know that I'm new to this website and I've been a brony for almost a year so I hope everyone welcomes and have a nice day.
Sunday, 30-Mar-14 20:39:29 UTC from web-
@interrogator what are you doing right now?
@interrogator I'm just doing some physics work and listening to music, how about yourself?
@northernnarwhal I'm checking out every corner of this website.
Hey everyone I'm new to this website and this is my first message.
Sunday, 30-Mar-14 20:36:59 UTC from web-
@interrogator Okay!
@mastertdi have good day!
@interrogator You too!
The Great and Powerful Lord Rev. Rogue of Light .. is a member of !utahbronies? Sweet.
Saturday, 15-Mar-14 15:11:25 UTC from web-
@pony Whos Lord Rev. Rogue of Light I'd like to know.
!utahbronies Just got this email from the lady who runs the build-a-bear in Murray "Hi Utah Bronies! Sounds pretty nice!
On April 4th we are launching our fifth pony Rarity. We are really excited to be welcoming her to our family and we would like to extend an offer to all of the Utah Bronies to come and get her first. On April 4th and 5th we are opening our doors at 9:00am for an exclusive event where you can build Rarity, attend a hair styling class, play games as well as mingle with fellow pony enthusiasts. The cost of Rarity is $25 and you can also purchase two of the Cutie Mark Crusaders; Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!
An RSVP is required and space is limited. We are hosting the event at the Fashion Place location (6191 South State Street Murray, UT 84107). If you would like to reserve a pony and a spot please call us at (801) 293-1222."Tuesday, 11-Mar-14 17:37:27 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark I'll pass this on.
!utahbronies Wat? We got JohnJoseco to design the medalions? Suhweet!
Sunday, 09-Mar-14 04:48:30 UTC from web -
!utahbronies We reached our funding goal for the CMPC coins WOO!
Sunday, 09-Mar-14 04:42:42 UTC from web -
!utahbronies Nathan (aka. PonyFireStone) was fun to hang out with with the !BYU bronies group in Provo. Too bad he lives hours away or we could do it more often. Enjoy some of his #groovy remixes.
Wednesday, 05-Mar-14 22:17:30 UTC from web -
!BYU !UtahBronies We'll be having a guest at BYU this Friday, Feb. 21, namely, PonyFireStone. He's quite the talented musician.
Wednesday, 19-Feb-14 23:28:59 UTC from web -
!BYU !utahbronies Fund raising commercil for CMPC Also, the con is finally going to be moved to summer! Woo!! Apparently our whining wore them all down.
Saturday, 28-Dec-13 16:28:16 UTC from web -
!utahbronies !BYU I made a group
Saturday, 21-Dec-13 19:54:27 UTC from web -
!utahbronies !BYU Fund raising for CMPC just got real. I think I might just donate a bit though since bits are sparse.
Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:20:02 UTC from web -
My brony friends irl.. not so unlike RDN honestly.
Monday, 16-Dec-13 13:19:58 UTC from web-
@pony and the friend on the right has a perfectly valid excuse for being filthy since he didn't have time to shower or change after work before the meetup. Ponies to Ponies was fun. !utahbronies