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my little pony ccg group listings
this is a forum for people to post where there meet ups for the ccg is
my little pony ccg group listings (mlpccg) group
Hello everyone. I am new here anyone play near the Fayetteville, NC area.
Monday, 20-Jun-16 00:55:37 UTC from web -
I'm proud of me. I didn't take the other Cloudchaser, and consequently I got a better trade I feel. CC is so overpriced in the trade market. !MLPCCG
Sunday, 13-Jul-14 00:10:14 UTC from web- None likes this.
@critialcloudkicker No, You are a CC... OK! FINE I ..... I dunno!
@metaltao ... I... Dunno
@metaltao I'm glad I'm being properly interpreted.
So I got annoyed because my wife was talking to other guys at the !MLP_CCG tournament about my d ck.
Saturday, 12-Jul-14 23:55:23 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 16:58:40 UTC from web -
So I /finally/ tracked down my pre-order info for my Canterlot Nights decks !MLPCCG I hope the postal service observes my change of address.
Friday, 23-May-14 03:06:48 UTC from web -
So apparently this deck is broken !MLPCCG
Saturday, 17-May-14 16:18:44 UTC from web -
!MLPCCG One last interesting relevant thing about how draft tournaments are played.
Monday, 05-May-14 08:13:48 UTC from web -
Links for this week's !Utahbronies !MLPCCG events:, 05-May-14 07:55:38 UTC from web-
Regarding the !MLPCCG Canterlot Nights pre-release event, here are some useful links for everypony.
Enterplay's FB page:
Pre-release event locations interactive map:
Preview of promos:
Official rules group:
!mlpccg Dumping links for !Utahbronies MLP: CCG groups..., 05-May-14 07:53:31 UTC from web -
hello everypon if anyone lives in rneo and plays the mlp ccg and have bene looking for a meet up spot games galore at the medowood mall hosts a mlp night on mondays starting at 5 going till 9
Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 21:39:11 UTC from web