Eagle Mountain
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw6CmzFLuE6ZD8Zwej7HISA/My interests are Portal, Minecraft, and Call of duty for my video games. As for the rest its Doctor Who, Youtube, and Watching Mlp. What I do for the rest of my spare time is looking at the news and rethinking my daily goals.
More details...Jacob (interrogator)
@ironlightning117 No if you get this message it means i came out of my 1 year hibernation. There is no group here or a group at all for Utah bronies really. This is the best I think that came out of Utah. Nice to meet ya.
Today is labor day I get the school day off. Not everyone knows a lot of about me so I'll just say a few things. I have small youtube channel I sometimes sketch ponies I am also starting a new book on my OC. If any of you want to check them out just say.
Monday, 01-Sep-14 19:18:23 UTC from web -
@pony oh
Something tell me there are less members here than last time I was on.
@ourobrony oh
@randomkid Hello
@randomkid Sorry for the long reply I just got on.
@randomkid I just did
@nerthos I haven't made the video yet and it isn't gonna have swears.
I'm thinking of maybe posting a youtube video what should it be?
@stardust Ok well are you going to it? Just to ask are you a psychiatrist?
@stardust Yeah well someone donated 1,000 dollars and then some more was added. I'm going do you have something nice to say instead of "I can't believe they somehow managed to scrape up enough funds."
@stardust Ok
@stardust Am I, I know I'm close but the closest person to him I didn't know that.
@stardust Yes what about it.
I almost have a enough money to buy tickets to the crystal mountain pony con. I do sketches now of peoples OC and I realized I'm very web social I am on Google+, RDN, and Teamcrafted website.
@ninjapon3 Maybe me maybe not I don't know.
@ninjapon3 What?
@scootaloo123 Cool I wish my friend did that. Well I got to go and where I'm going there is no internet so bye and have a good day.
@scootaloo123 Well that's understandable but you should know some.
@pony How does this sentence now compute.
@scootaloo123 Yes it is but I do know that there are probably tons near you.
@scootaloo123 Yep I did not many Brony's so to say they almost scarce in Utah.
@scootaloo123 Sorry bad guess I didn't think up and down really.
@scootaloo123 California or Alaska I live in Utah and listening to the night mare night song.
@scootaloo123 Wow that's really far from me.
@scootaloo123 From Oregon
@scootaloo123 Where too because I just came back from vacation a week ago.
@scootaloo123 Sounds like your on vacation and having some casual time.
@scootaloo123 Good for you what have you been doing lately.