

  1. Hi guys, just for the sake of starting a topic what did you think of season four? I thought while the show did get an animation boost I felt it suffered in other areas like character development and even managed to hinder pinkie pie's likability (Filli Vanilli)

    Sunday, 25-May-14 08:06:09 UTC from web
    1. @ourobrony I did feel like Pinkie got a little too Flanderized this season, but overall I feel like S4 might be the second-best season, next to S1.

      Sunday, 25-May-14 08:07:12 UTC from web
    2. @ourobrony @scribus I agree. I loved the season though.

      Sunday, 25-May-14 08:11:14 UTC from web
      1. @pony I especially appreciated the amount of development that Equestria and the world as a whole received.

        Sunday, 25-May-14 08:19:02 UTC from web
        1. @scribus That's true. I tend to value the characters most. It was no season 1 or 2, but they did improve the world building.

          Sunday, 25-May-14 08:21:20 UTC from web
          1. @pony Yeah, a fascinating world with no characters is just a handbook for an RPG setting, really. lol But there's got to be some place for the ponies to play.

            Sunday, 25-May-14 08:27:15 UTC from web
    3. @ourobrony Despite the Pinkie problem in Filly Vanilli it's one of my favorites for the singing and Fluttershy.

      Sunday, 25-May-14 08:12:08 UTC from web
    4. @ourobrony oh

      Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 18:51:39 UTC from web