I do art and watch ponies.
Group actions
http://afancorp.deviantart.com/A group for those that participate in Speed Art sessions with Afion Ruki (@afancorp)
afionspeedart group members
A list of the users in this group.
howdoideletemyaccount Seriously HowdoI Vancouver http://tgdhamster.deviantart.com/
cracky Jason Vancouver, BC
I'm a CS/Software student, probably permanently due to SFU's terrible course options...
xehro Xehro Alta Surrey, BC, Canada http://www.facebook.com/Xehro
I have many names, from Paul to David to Mark to CJ to Loki, but I prefer to be called Xehro, Alta, or David. May 17th 2011 was the day I became a brony. My favorite Mane 6 would be Twilight Sparkle. Favourite episode? I think that would be the Season 2 Finale. Favourite Villian? Still Discord.