New to this. I like video games, pro wrestling, and the obvious. Steam ID: clydesempai (shared with my brony brother) and psychoanaconda (not shared with my brother)
Group actions
The Association for MLP Newbies
!bronoobs bronynoobs ponynoobs
Are you new to the MLP fandom? Still finding your way through the fan sites? Well then, join the club!
bronoobs group members
A list of the users in this group.
spellmetal Derek Perkins Florida
flutterguy38 Jeff Williamsburg
Older Brony here. Started watching at the tail end of season 3 and got hooked. I love the animation and simple, honest stories. Big fan of metal, star wars, guitar, lots of stuff.
co3211 Jared ocana Denver
I do play Xbox as well as ps3 and I've been in the herd for about 4 months if any ?s ask me
pinkiepie16 Bre Ponyville, Equestria
I love my little pony with a deep burning passion in my soul. I hate Twilight Sparkles because she treats Pinkie Pie like crap. I am just like Pinkie Pie. Legit. It's crazy how much we have in common! I get picked on everyday in school bcuz i dress in tutus and have teal hair.
thunderfire Jared Arizona, USA
I'm just a normal Brony but I play TF2 known as [Muffin Tribe] JaredMuffin and if you want to friend me on steam my name is jaredrn1 While in the minecraft world I'm jaredrn and lastly I play spiral knights as Jared The Slayer but I don't play on it much.
blahblah Toronto, Canada
I really, really like to meet new people - if anyone is interested, my skype name is- just mention the Rainbow Dash Network in the invite :) Also, I'm new to the whole brony community thing, and suffice it to say that I'm kinda nervous.
torrentofterror Tori Massachusetts
I am a writer, reader, cartoon fanatic, and alpine skiers. I run a few clubs including an adventure club and an anime club. Favorite character is Rainbow Dash. Usually stick to fanfics with her in them.
flutterderp7 Johnstown, PA, USA
I love music and playing it. I love the show my little pony^_^ i like to read and play video games. Skinny jeans and band Ts is how i go. Im a guy and im straight my fav pony is fluttershy. I love makeing friends and i stink at drawing but i try xD who wants orange juice?!
baxteraquillarhodes Ian Foster Scott Colorado
I love bronies, I love this fandom, and I can't wait to get in with a group of brony friends. Luna is my favorite Princess, Twilight Sparkle and rarity are my favorite ponies. I personally prefer literature, and I love almost all types of music. I can be a little bit naive, and pretty dense sometimes, but I know I am smart to.
pinkiedashaloo Imani Hicks
My name is Imani, I LOVE rainbow dash, pinkie pie, and scootaloo!
iluvzfluttershy iluvzfluttershy Rockford, Illinois
Im Darren, I am 15. I am a Sophmore. I love meeting new people but am also shy about it. I feel like im the only brony in the Rockford area so im hoping to make new friends, join events, and share the magic of friendship. My pony name is Mixtape. I love my 2004 Hyundai Elantra. I am into (other than mlp) graphic design, video creating, music, Dj ing, swimming, Visiting nearby Chicago, and watching TV. I am also on the Playstation 3 Network. PSN User: IcRaShAoT PS, Fluttershy Rockz
imjustme Heather Tulsa, Ok. USA
I had vague memories of MLP from my childhood so when I saw the remake I was initially displeased. Didn't take more than the opening to hook me! I go to TCC here in Tulsa. I love the brony community. Love and tolerate! Yay! Oh, I also love video games. Resident Evil, Sailor Moon, MLP... I'm mostly a girly girl.
geoffparker88 Geoff Parker Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Hey guys, my name is Geoff Parker, and I'm almost 24 (will be on September 17th) I really CAN NOT believe I'm joining a site dedicated to a show with "My Little Ponies" in it's title. I've never joined a social site about ANY show or shows before, let alone one that's geared towards little girls. But I also can't believe how awesome and great the show is, and how much pure joy it brings me. Whatever makes you joyful, as long as it's not against the law or harmful to others, right? In anycase, that's what I keep on trying to tell myself so that I won't start chastizing myself for watching this drug-laced-addictive-show. Oh, and the best pony is... I can't say. Sometimes Pinkie Pie, sometimes Fluttershy, sometimes Twilight Sparkles, sometimes Applejack, sometimes Rainbow Dash, and Rarity is growing on me as well. Spike's cool too... but he's not a pony! That's who I am, and I'll look forward to getting to know who you are!
cannonball Robert Grand Prairie,Tx
Ready to join the U.S. military to be a Navy Seal in 5 years,Love to read,and,of course,love MLP
turkthedragon Taylor Admin Marysville, Ohio
About me? Imma 17 year old guy whose real into music, especially the band Radiohead. I also attempt to write music. I'm also somewhat of a video game and computer nerd. As for my favorite pony, I would say...Futtershy? I'm realitively new to being a brony, so I still have much to learn :)