Group actions
!bronyfield battlefield battlefield4 bf4 people of RDN that Play Battle field 4! Its a great game and everyone should own it! The platoon I am in Is BronyField and you should all apply to join! I am not the founder nor do I claim to be.
Battlefield 4 Group! (bronyfield) group
!bf4 AA Still OP
Saturday, 30-Aug-14 22:49:14 UTC from web -
Hey, If you want to add me on battle log I am "Grouchguy"
Saturday, 30-Aug-14 22:48:25 UTC from web -
!bronyfield Anyone want to join our Battlefield 4 RDN group?
Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 03:05:01 UTC from web -
!Battlefield I think this is the most official looking group on RDN if I do say so myself!
Sunday, 17-Aug-14 23:17:59 UTC from web -
Sunday, 17-Aug-14 22:54:03 UTC from web -
!bf4group Just made a Group for people who play BF4!
Monday, 11-Aug-14 04:43:09 UTC from web