My iguana died so did I. Bye bye.
!btv bronytelevesion bronytv
the internet
We are a MLP: FIM streaming site we have many things for you to watch including some non pony stuff, like our game night or movie nights. but join us every Friday at 3pm Pacific standard time to join our Mare-athon.
A list of the users in this group.
i am a brony based in broken arrow oklahoma and i will add links to my storys and art to this page i write fan fictions with my friends and usualy the primary artist as well
I'm 16. I have seen all my little pony friendship is magic episodes. you can say im a huge fan because I am!!!! I lik to play video game and talk. i play halo too. i have to much free time. my little pony was the best thing that happened in my live. it has made me a better friend and made me happy for once in my life. last thing that made me happy was 10 yr ago. thank you my little pony for making me happy again. :) XBOX gamertag is BronySpartan250
Hey! i'm just your average pony, cartoon, video game, anime, and comic loving guy.
I am a console gamer, a semi-nerd, and a unicorn.
Hello everypony, I'm 16 year 11 in school, I do a podcast, write songs(and are recording one) I am also going to start a ask blog once I get familiar with my software. I also like gaming, namely Starcraft 2, tf2 and other steam games.
Better known as DJ-N3XU5 co-owner/one of founders/DJ of Fillydelphia Radio. Just go by Nexus when generally chating
I'm a CS/Software student, probably permanently due to SFU's terrible course options...
My intersests are computer gaming, cars, computer mechanics and MLP ofc ^^ Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme