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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkWSepK4wpB3G3xOMUAXFAAnypony currently in, graduated, or will be in college! Started a youtube channel for all college bronies to take apart of!
A list of the users in this group.
VapourIndia is Top online shop for Electronic Cigarattes, eCigs, JUUL Kit, eJuice & Flaour e-Liquids etc at lower price in India. Free Delivery.
In the beginning, I espoused a cruel and wrong ideology that stressed the importance of conformity and fitting in instead of being “unique” or “different.” I realize now that that was wrong and that everypony deserves the ability to shine as they should. I now understand that we are all individual amazing creatures who each have something to bring to the table. But when I first fell, it was not so. I tried to get revenge on the person I believed took my life from me. I wanted so badly to destroy them that I was ready and willing to sacrifice everything to do it! I was fully prepared to take them down with me! I also understand now that that too was wrong. I come to you now a changed pony. I am older and wiser than I once was and I now understand that this is the path I need to take. To better myself and everypony around me! And so I continue my work for Equestria… Note: I decided to creatively combine my own background with that of the best pony ever, Starlight Glimmer. However, as I am transgender and as I begin my transition to mare/womanhood, this is technically all true I assure you!
Albart Aloy is working with a well-reputed iOS application development company, Mobiers Ltd, which offers iPhone application development and a gamut of other IT services. Over the years of experience, he has gained expertise in iOS development loves to dig into the various iOS trends taking place in the industry.
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Hi guy I'm just a guy that likes to chat, chil and talk about mlp
Avid hiker; favorite pony: Fluttershy; wilderness guide; graphic designer; video editor/PMV maker on YouTube (650 subs). ^-^
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During my freshman year at college I taught myself the magical art of mobile game development and started making games to build the experience I needed in order to make my dream games a reality. Starting an Indie Dev career in college so there's no need to be a starving artist. I'm currently making a Pokemon-style game called Battle Gem Ponies with the Unity Engine.
I love mlp because my niece got me in to it
Colombian law student, likes MLP, Reading, swimming, Sci-Fi and History :)
I am a pegasus who loves pony games, drawing, and lots of cartoons. My favorite Mane 6 ponies are Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. My favorite background pony is Lyra Heartstrings. My favorite princess is Luna. My favorite villains are Nightmare Moon and Pinkamena. My favorite reformed villains are Sunset Shimmer and Diamond Tiara. My favorite Cutie Mark Crusader is Sweetie Belle. My favorite MLP fanfics are Cupcakes, Past Sins, and Lil Miss Rarity. When I'm not doing anything pony related, I like to draw, watch some Netflix, play video games, and even make videos for my YouTube channel. Be sure to check it out! By the way, I am NOT SINGLE, so don't even bother.
Hello everypony! I am KingLeoJJ! I am a junior at Iowa State University, working on an animal science degree with a pre-vet option! I've been enjoying the show and fandom since my senior year of high school! Making music and friends is the name of the game! :)