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College Station bronies meetup

College Station bronies meetup

!cstatbronies bamf broniesanonymousformagicalfriendship

College Station

A meetup group for bronies in the College Station area. That's pretty much it.

College Station bronies meetup (cstatbronies) group


  1. !cstatbronies This upcoming Wednesday (as in, next week, not today) I will be holding another viewing at my apartment starting at 5. We'll be watching episodes 3 and 4 (Luuuuuunaaaaaa!) of Season 2 as well as Friendship is Witchcraft and as much of The Mentally Advanced Series as we have time left for. Hope to see you all there!

    Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 21:23:40 UTC from web
    • !cstatbronies This Sunday we will be trying another flyer run. We will be meeting in Studio 12 starting at 7, so come join us and spread pony propaganda across campus!

      Saturday, 08-Oct-11 03:15:47 UTC from web
      • !cstatbronies I will be showing both parts of the Discord episode as well as a few other requested videos at my apartment tomorrow starting at 5. If you're interested in joining us, check the facebook group or message me to ask for directions.

        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 04:31:32 UTC from web
        • !cstatbronies Our first event will be occurring this Sunday. We will be meeting Studio 12 (the basement of the commons) on Texas A&M campus at 7 and heading out shortly after to do flyer-ninjaing for love in tolerance. We will be putting up posters for our meetup and spreading pony propaganda, so it should be awesome! If you're not sure where to find Studio 12 then feel free to message me here or on facebook!

          Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 23:39:50 UTC from web
          • !cstatbronies Still ironing out details on when we will meet next. In the meantime check out the facebook page here: I will update both here and there with events, but the facebook group is more likely to be up to date.

            Monday, 19-Sep-11 17:54:13 UTC from web