Group actions

!musicals razzledazzle
This is a group for all ponies who enjoy musicals and or like to Razzle Dazzle everyone.
Musical ponies! (musicals) group
I really have to thank @conventrix for telling me to watch Chicago, one of the most amazing movies I've seen! Give 'em the old !Razzledazzle !
Saturday, 28-Apr-12 21:27:36 UTC from web-
@conventrix the tiny nudge she gives the fabric at the end is just so cute.
@conventrix le saved.
@conventrix mmhm.
@conventrix oh my you really made a !razzledazzle group.
Saturday, 28-Apr-12 00:12:37 UTC from web-
@conventrix I really want to watch it, but not now because sleepy time is neigh and I'd probably not remember most of what happens anyways.
@conventrix impressive!
@conventrix that sounds like a good plan.