Group actions
Pacific Northwest
A group for all the bronies living in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Oregon, Washington State, British Columbia & Northern California! Come join us!
Pacific Northwest Bronies (pnwbronies) group
Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 00:10:01 UTC from web
!pnwbronies Anyone still around?
Saturday, 26-Nov-11 19:25:24 UTC from web -
Hey !pnwbronies! Any in WA state wanna hang today?
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 18:48:59 UTC from web-
@roygbiv I just a text update about that. That's really surprising; they've been on TV for years and years
@roygbiv Thanks for letting me know. Told my mother to be on the lookout for grandmother (as GM's usually vicious anyway, I didn't want her to get hurt if she were on a rampage about the show or something.) Sure enough, Granny's pretty hurt about the show being gone.
What's good PNW Bronies?
For !pnwbronies in Portland, there's also
Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 21:22:51 UTC from web -
Hey !pnwbronies! The meetup is LIVE!
Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 21:15:38 UTC from web -
Broccoli Noodle Parmesan for lunch!
Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 19:00:52 UTC from web-
@princessluna I'll cook for you & Twilight Sparkle sometime... ;)
@roygbiv Hee. I would like that. Nothing beats a good home-cooked meal. =3
@princessluna I still say that !pnwbronies are gonna gain so much weight if we ever have a potluck...
Hey fellow !pnwbronies... Is there any around SeaTac? If so, send me a note to discuss an idea!
Friday, 08-Apr-11 00:13:43 UTC from web -
!pnwbronies I live in NorCal! Anypony else? :3
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 04:51:13 UTC from web-
@hatesteed Ooo I've never been to Santa Rosa, how is it? I've only moved to the West Coast within the last year. :) Are you part of the Pacific Northwest Bronies Group? :)
@angel Oh my goodness, really? You ought to go sometime. If it's not too personal, do you mind if I ask why you can't drive? Not that I blame you-- driving is stressful!
@pixellatedponi !pnwbronies Santa Rosa is a city with a strong community feel. The weather, if you don't mind rain and blinding fog at night, never gets bad. Right now, however, I live outside of a small town 30 miles west called Geurneville, which looks like this once every five years. I plan on moving to Santa Rosa in a couple months and might even move to SF sometime in the future
I just started !pnwbronies for those of us living in the Pacific Northwest. So, um... Enjoy!
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 18:42:35 UTC from web