Group actions
Reno, Nevada group for bronies who live in the northern nevada areas, such as Reno and Sparks.
Northern Nevada Bronies (renobronies) group
!renobronies and when we went to the roundtable at the GSR, some of the artwork the group did
Sunday, 12-Feb-12 00:53:00 UTC from web -
!renobronies The group photo from the meetup on 2/10/2012
Sunday, 12-Feb-12 00:49:53 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 I'm the guy with the red shirt in the background against the wall. No, I'm not that tall; I was just standing on a bench with the three other guys in the background
@ladestitute what days do you guys normally neet up?
@alexyota Meet
!renobronies Test! (could someone tell me what they think of the group colors I picked? It's partially based off of Nevada's state colors, silver and blue)
Sunday, 12-Feb-12 00:09:38 UTC from web