Group actions
!sanponyiego sandipony sunnyponies westcoastponies
San Diego, California, USA
Are you a brony in San Diego? Everypony in San Diego NEEDS TO JOIN THIS GROUP. OR, I CAN HAVE PINKY PIE HELP YOU UNDERSTAND O_o
San Diego Ponies (sanponyiego) group
!Sanponyiego hello im ur new admin XD yay
Saturday, 19-May-12 04:44:07 UTC from web-
@applejacklover19 ...oh u did
@applejacklover19 hay newpony!
@djvinylp0n3 yup i'm here
!sanponyiego Reporting from National City Toys R Us.
Thursday, 09-Feb-12 20:04:10 UTC from web -
!sanponyiego I found some blind bag ponies at Toys R Us in National City. I bought 5 bags.
Thursday, 09-Feb-12 05:50:04 UTC from web -
!sanponyiego You guys hear about the meetup at Balboa Park? We could all go together! :D
Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 10:37:51 UTC from web-
@brandyjaxon On that Saturday?
!sanponyeigo This group needs more bronies from Daygo.
Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 07:50:30 UTC from web