sonicfans group members
A list of the users in this group.
ceroclouddash John Hale Proctorsville, VT, USA https://www.facebook.com/Cero490
21yo guy. I like literacy, games, movies, friends, and sweets! Random as hell, loyal as a starfish. My O.C is Cero Cloud Dash, a totally kick ass freedom fighter pegasus GT: maiCooKiezz Steam: cero490 Skype: servius_tullius72
djhedgehog isaiah smith leesburg florida https://plus.google.com/u/0/
i am 17 (when people are down i pick them up)
ninjaforsythbrony FASR Wheaton, IL
I'm a gregarious brony who likes D&D, reading books, playing chess, discussing philosophy, volunteering, organizing and playing games like Fire Emblem and World of Warcraft.
cupcakeshine Mana Ana Romania http://google.com/
I like cupcakes and ponies very much,starting from Derpy to...I don't know...Any pony..
macksi macksi fire San Francisco, CA http://google.com/
punkfluttershy Dominic Vigliaturo Bloomington, Minnesota http://themastertributes.forumtl.com/
umm... Hi
lincolndowns lincolndowns Princes Highway Batemans Bay NSW Australia http://www.lincolndowns.com.au/romantic-escapes/
A meal in Briars Restaurant in Batemans Bay is an experience
silverspark Silver Spark Pennsylvania, USA
Thank you all for caring about whatever I have to say. Anyway, I am male (at least i was the last time I checked).
rainbowfactorydash markmills
somedude that guy you hate Admin cloudsdale/equestria http://bronybook.wall.fm
Metalhead, plain and simple