Hirosashii's home timeline


  1. !raleighbronies So we've got muffins, donuts, and calzones. Anyone else? Come on, it's not too hard to commit to a couple dozen eggs or some juice or fruit. To reiterate, we also have a kitchen so re-warming and some cooking on-site it totally do-able. Crap, should I bring my coffee maker?

    Friday, 16-Sep-11 16:55:15 UTC from web
    • !raleighbronies I'll see about being the "Pony Joe" here. Donuts are still breakfast food, yeah?

      Friday, 16-Sep-11 15:11:09 UTC from web
      • !raleighbronies If I bring milk or whatever, are you guys going to have cups? Or should I bring disposable cups too?

        Friday, 16-Sep-11 03:44:25 UTC from web
      • !raleighbronies Gonna do my best to swing up on sat from Lejeune

        Friday, 16-Sep-11 02:46:58 UTC from web
        • I'm going to the !raleighbronies meetup in cosplay as Applejack.

          Friday, 16-Sep-11 01:04:57 UTC from web
          • !raleighbronies @kazidelta @rawrbrony Nice. So there will be at least some protein. I think I'll wait to see if anyone else posts before I decide. I'm caught between eggs, pancakes, and bacon. Hrm.

            Friday, 16-Sep-11 00:20:17 UTC from web
            • !raleighbronies I don't have the recipe for my french toast casserole perfected yet, so I'm going to fall back to my favorite lazy college breakfast during summer school: homemade meatball calzones. It's not traditional breakfast food, but these things are really good after they've been in the fridge overnight, which is how I'm going to make them.

              Thursday, 15-Sep-11 23:47:46 UTC from web
              • !raleighbronies I am planning to bring muffins, in honor of Derpy Hooves.

                Thursday, 15-Sep-11 21:39:02 UTC from web
                • !raleighbronies If anyone knows what they're bringing to the potluck, please chime in so we have the least duplication possible. Thanks!

                  Thursday, 15-Sep-11 20:48:52 UTC from web
                  • !raleighbronies I'm definitely gonna do my best to attend the meetup on the 17th. I'm glad there's finally a meetup I can actually attend that isn't 500 miles away.

                    Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 03:32:11 UTC from web
                    • !raleighbronies We have not planned or advertised pony swaps/sales, but if you take some pictures and someone is interested at the meet, you can always work it out then (since we'll all be local and all). Yes, there will be rides for the Dash Express. :3 And there are other under-agers coming, so we planned things to be around the PG-13 range.

                      Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 01:10:58 UTC from web
                      • !raleighbronies Yay! Will there be rides on the Dash Express? I also shall bring muffinz. My friend and I going, we are in highschool, keep it friendly, please. I am thrilled for this, though!

                        Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 00:48:58 UTC from web
                        • !raleighbronies My guy and I will try to attend, though it's a bit of a drive for us. Will there be any sort of swap/sales allowed?

                          Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 00:46:15 UTC from web
                          • !raleighbronies @flootershai I derped, only saw the first one. Sounds good to me.

                            Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 00:03:25 UTC from web
                            • !raleighbronies If anyone is around the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area that needs a ride on Saturday, PM me.

                              Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 19:18:05 UTC from web
                              • !raleighbronies Count me in, this sounds great. I'm going to see if I can drag my friend with me, he's a bit of a closet brony at this pont

                                Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 12:23:44 UTC from web
                                • !raleighbronies @dalaipony Yes, on-site is also fine. All the info we have are all on the posters as well. :3 I spent a while on them-- please do give them a look!

                                  Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 11:32:50 UTC from web
                                  • !raleighbronies I just found out about this meetup. I'll definitely be there!

                                    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 08:35:17 UTC from web
                                    • !raleighbronies @kazidelta Don't let it get you down. People react before they know the sitch' sometimes. Still, sorry you got some not so nice reactions :( Look at this and watch your sadness melt away http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v488/Valcron/ThisisBookFort.png @flootershai love the posters and the names for the events. Especially the Celestia breakfast. Now if only I could find some Luna Puffs http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/132/f/7/luna_puffs_by_tim_kangaroo-d3g5i18.png

                                      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 08:29:57 UTC from web
                                      • !raleighbronies Sounds interesting, but I don't know *quite yet* what things are looking like for this weekend. I'll update you on that ASAP. In any case, is cash-on-site donations fine too?

                                        Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 02:14:37 UTC from web
                                      • !raleighbronies Wow, people are not forgiving if you've never used anything like twitter before. Really killing my spirit here.

                                        Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 00:28:40 UTC from web
                                      • !raleighbronies Alright, I literally mass-posted pretty much everybody in the group. If you can't make it, we understand, I just know that I haven't been getting email notices of the !raleighbronies posts and wanted to double check that the word about the meetup was available to everyone.

                                        Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 00:27:03 UTC from web
                                        • !Raleighbronies, email me if you want to help plan something.

                                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 21:38:11 UTC from web
                                        • !raleighbronies Sounds awesome, can't wait.

                                          Monday, 12-Sep-11 23:57:17 UTC from web
                                          • !raleighbronies Updates! See the following links: Events poster: http://www.flickr.com/photos/67436174@N02/6140217747/ | Donations poster: http://www.flickr.com/photos/67436174@N02/6140217873/ | Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O4zXPhAKv8 | Donations link: http://tinyurl.com/raleighbroniesdonation | In addition, Moonlight Magicks is offering free shipping if you want anything from her store: http://www.moonlightmagiks.ecrater.com/ Email her personally via the storefront (don't check out) to save!

                                            Monday, 12-Sep-11 17:54:31 UTC from web
                                            • !raleighbronies http://tinyurl.com/raleighbroniesdonation We would like to ask anyone who is attending our first official meetup on September 17th to donate some money towards the cost of the rental space if at all possible. Anything that you can give to help soften the blow of renting out a $200 space to host the event will be much appreciated!

                                              Sunday, 11-Sep-11 23:02:42 UTC from web
                                              • !raleighbronies @nekoneko918 Let's say no to kids for now. That's usually a whole nother can of worms. However, you can certainly bring her back souvenirs!

                                                Sunday, 11-Sep-11 21:33:06 UTC from web
                                                • !raleighbronies Gah, I haven't been on in a while. It's probably not a good idea to take my 7 year old neighbor to the meetup with me, is it?

                                                  Sunday, 11-Sep-11 16:07:22 UTC from web
                                                  • !raleighbronies If anypony else at NCSU needs a ride, speak up.

                                                    Sunday, 11-Sep-11 00:21:22 UTC from web
                                                    • !raleighbronies @starduststreak Email me (flootershai@gmail.com) so I can forward you a more complete list of what we're planning. <3

                                                      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 15:10:33 UTC from web