People listed in manchester by houseclaim9

  • housing disrepair manchester houseclaim9 housing disrepair manchester Creator Manchester< UK

    Housing disrepair is any damage to a tenant's property which is the responsibility of the landlord, is causing a diminished level of enjoyment to the tenant within their home, and is as a result of poor upkeep by the landlord towards their housing stock. In general, issues such as damp and mould resulting from structural or plumbing issues, unresolved rodent infestations, damaged and defective windows, as well as electrical and heating issues could all fit within the remit of housing disrepair. If you have experienced any challenge as regard to disrepair and your landlord has failed to fix the situation within a realistic time since you reported the issues, you are entitled to make a housing disrepair claim. Contact our hhousing disrepair manchester claims firm and speak to a member of our specialist housing disrepair team through their free housing advice helpline. Utilising our expertise in tenant law, Housing Disrepair Helpline will happily assess your housing disrepair requirements, and if we believe your situation fits the criteria for a successful claim, we'll push to get a schedule of repairs arranged and will negotiate compensation on your behalf.