Notices by And Tee (iemikas), page 2

  1. @abigpony Aw. Well, then what fairy can I believe in? The Idle Fairy? D:

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:12:17 UTC from web
  2. @theawesomepony Fluttershy, most likely because she is adorable. I mean, all of them are but she's super duper adorable.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:11:21 UTC from web in context
  3. @kingcarcinopony D: Why not?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:07:53 UTC from web in context
  4. @kingcarcinopony Oh! Cool. Exciting for it all to be ending soon?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:04:45 UTC from web in context
  5. @abigpony Theydoexist.Theydoexist.Theydoexist. If I just keep chanting...

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:03:32 UTC from web in context
  6. @hamishelub Don't worry. Sometime this summer, the Productivity Fairy will come. Maybe dressed up like a pony, I dunno.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:00:43 UTC from web in context
  7. @theawesomepony Coooool. Most of it Pinkie? XD

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:53:58 UTC from web in context
  8. @kingcarcinopony That's true. Do you go to school or work?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:51:13 UTC from web in context
  9. @theawesomepony My friend kept on mentioning it. Every. Single. Day. Then they linked me to all the episodes, and I watched them. I don't read too much of the fanfiction, but I do like all the fan art. It's fun.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:49:11 UTC from web in context
  10. @kingcarcinopony Smart? Pfft, no. I completely screwed up my Spring semester so I'm trying to make up for it.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:47:25 UTC from web in context
  11. @theawesomepony I'm a sophomore in university. And the classes are Organic Chemistry II and Modern European history. I need to pull my GPA up. How 'bout you?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:41:27 UTC from web in context
  12. @kingcarcinopony It doesn't. They call it the "cartoon thing". They say the same when I read web comics and such.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:39:58 UTC from web in context
  13. @theawesomepony I'm pretty good! Trying to will myself to prepare for my class tomorrow since I'm taking courses this summer. @_@ What're your plans?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:37:26 UTC from web in context
  14. @kingcarcinopony Nope, they do not. While I was visiting home for some of the summer, he walked in while I was watching MLP, gave me a look, told me dinner was ready, and then walked out.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:35:39 UTC from web in context
  15. @kingcarcinopony I know. Every time he died in a game, he'd go, "Wait... what happened?" and when I would reach over and say, "Let me help.." "NO! I know now!"

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:33:34 UTC from web in context
  16. @theawesomepony That's fine! Maybe I just wasn't on when you were. And thank you so much for the welcome! It's nice to meet you.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:30:16 UTC from web in context
  17. @kingcarcinopony Yup. Chinese-Vietnamese. I don't know why I had to add the word Asian other than to show how odd of a scene it was. And oh yeah, forgot that Xbox is useful with movies too.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:29:24 UTC from web in context
  18. @theawesomepony About 6 days ago~

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:24:18 UTC from web in context
  19. @kingcarcinopony Woah! 300? Speaking of parents touching games; my dad would occasionally attempt to play. It was really funny. Imagine a confused Asian man refusing to give away the controller to someone trying to show him how to not jump into holes.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:22:01 UTC from web in context
  20. @theawesomepony Yup, I'm new. C: I think I'm getting into the swing of things around here alright.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:15:32 UTC from web in context
  21. @kingcarcinopony This is actually a second one my dad got me from the flea market, haha. The first got lost in a move. Maybe yours got lost that way, too? I know that I've had friends who've complained that some of their old consoles were trashed by parents after college.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:14:50 UTC from web in context
  22. @theawesomepony Hello! How goes it? :D

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:09:03 UTC from web in context
  23. @kingcarcinopony I play games. I'm just not in the know of all the new ones. I still have my SNES and occasionally indulge in Mario and Donkey Kong.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:08:52 UTC from web in context
  24. @kingcarcinopony Oh, haha. We don't have to talk about movies. What else are you into? You mentioned gaming the last time.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:00:49 UTC from web in context
  25. @kingcarcinopony I actually don't watch too many horror flicks. I think a classic for me is The Exorcist, though. I'll check out The Strangers sometime!

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:48:10 UTC from web in context
  26. @kingcarcinopony Ah wait, I'm wrong. *Based* is the keyword, most likely.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:40:42 UTC from web in context
  27. @kingcarcinopony I feel like something is always based on something. As long as the word loosely's in there, all is well.

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:40:04 UTC from web in context
  28. @kingcarcinopony Nope. I've heard of it, though. Isn't it loosely based on the crimes of Charles Manson?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:38:34 UTC from web in context
  29. @kingcarcinopony Oh? And what would the title happen to be~?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:34:34 UTC from web in context
  30. @kingcarcinopony Nah, not too soon. Unless you have one you'd like to recommend to me?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:31:21 UTC from web in context