

  1. @kingcarcinopony Oh? And what would the title happen to be~?

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:34:34 UTC from web
    1. @iemikas ever seen the strangers?

      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:36:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @kingcarcinopony Nope. I've heard of it, though. Isn't it loosely based on the crimes of Charles Manson?

        Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:38:34 UTC from web
        1. @iemikas I'm not sure, it Is based on something though.

          Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:39:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @kingcarcinopony I feel like something is always based on something. As long as the word loosely's in there, all is well.

            Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:40:04 UTC from web
          2. @kingcarcinopony Ah wait, I'm wrong. *Based* is the keyword, most likely.

            Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:40:42 UTC from web
            1. @iemikas well its a good flick, only one that's given me the jimmies in a while

              Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:42:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @kingcarcinopony I actually don't watch too many horror flicks. I think a classic for me is The Exorcist, though. I'll check out The Strangers sometime!

                Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:48:10 UTC from web
                1. @iemikas Exorcist is a fun little movie. I only asked because the only conversation we have had revolved around you watching a movie

                  Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 02:52:31 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @kingcarcinopony Oh, haha. We don't have to talk about movies. What else are you into? You mentioned gaming the last time.

                    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:00:49 UTC from web
                    1. @iemikas I dont mind either way, but yes, though i find it strange if people dont play games nowa days. must be the society we live in.

                      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:04:40 UTC from web
                    2. @iemikas hello thar

                      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:04:51 UTC from web
                      1. @theawesomepony Hello! How goes it? :D

                        Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:09:03 UTC from web
                        1. @iemikas pretty good i dont recognize ur name are you new ?

                          Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:11:06 UTC from web
                          1. @theawesomepony Yup, I'm new. C: I think I'm getting into the swing of things around here alright.

                            Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:15:32 UTC from web
                            1. @iemikas ah okay when did u join

                              Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:16:46 UTC from web
                              1. @theawesomepony About 6 days ago~

                                Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:24:18 UTC from web
                                1. @iemikas wow ive never seen you here before well anyways welcome to the family

                                  Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:26:36 UTC from web
                                  1. @theawesomepony That's fine! Maybe I just wasn't on when you were. And thank you so much for the welcome! It's nice to meet you.

                                    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:30:16 UTC from web
                                    1. @iemikas no problem brah so how are ya

                                      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:33:03 UTC from web
                                      1. @theawesomepony I'm pretty good! Trying to will myself to prepare for my class tomorrow since I'm taking courses this summer. @_@ What're your plans?

                                        Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:37:26 UTC from web
                                        1. @iemikas what grade are u in ?? and what classes ??

                                          Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:39:32 UTC from web
                                          1. @theawesomepony I'm a sophomore in university. And the classes are Organic Chemistry II and Modern European history. I need to pull my GPA up. How 'bout you?

                                            Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:41:27 UTC from web
                                            1. @iemikas oh wow im going into my last year brah so how did u get into ponies

                                              Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:43:20 UTC from web
                                              1. @theawesomepony My friend kept on mentioning it. Every. Single. Day. Then they linked me to all the episodes, and I watched them. I don't read too much of the fanfiction, but I do like all the fan art. It's fun.

                                                Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:49:11 UTC from web
                                                1. @iemikas same here i do fan art i just havent uploaded my recent stuff

                                                  Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:50:17 UTC from web
                                                  1. @theawesomepony Coooool. Most of it Pinkie? XD

                                                    Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 03:53:58 UTC from web
                                                    1. @iemikas actually no it isnt its a little bit of every pony ususlly flutter shy for some reason

                                                      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:02:25 UTC from web
                                                      1. @theawesomepony Fluttershy, most likely because she is adorable. I mean, all of them are but she's super duper adorable.

                                                        Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:11:21 UTC from web
                                                        1. @iemikas you damn right i drew my second pony which has the hardest man to draw can u guess who??

                                                          Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:13:34 UTC from web