Replies to mergemm

  1. !ottawabronies @mergemm I thought it had a good, neutral stance, which is rare for articles featuring bronies. Usually they are swayed too far by either side. As for the haters in the comments, well, to me the hate is often quite hilarious. Most haters seem to have no idea what they are talking about; I often listen to the critics because I like to have an understanding of both sides, despite my own opinion. Yet, with MLP haters, I have yet to hear a legitimate reason for disliking it so much. Oh well.

    Sunday, 06-Nov-11 00:00:26 UTC from web
  2. @mergemm !ottawabronies I always tend to bristle a little at the 'tell their own stories'. Fanfic still gets a sidelong glance from a lot of quarters, but you can't tell me after reading stuff like Jetfire's "It's A Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door" that it's a silly thing to be doing with one's fandom.

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 13:08:51 UTC from web in context
  3. !ottawabronies @mergemm I agree with @syntaxcapt , the article was well written and seemed to be genuinely researched (kinda funny to see Rainbow Dash on the cover of the WSJ), though the comments section does seem to be rather full of hate at points...

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 04:29:45 UTC from web in context
  4. @mergemm The story I felt, was well done with no negative labels slapped on along side the title "bronies". I do find, however, the comments section of this article seems to be going overboard. !ottawabronies

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 01:57:55 UTC from web in context
  5. @mergemm that's awesome

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 23:11:30 UTC from web in context
  6. @mergemm And the cartoon violence eps (Pinkie Keen and Over a Barrel) both were written by Dave Polsky. He seems to favour the classic Chuck Jones gags like falling pianos and pie fights.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 21:36:31 UTC from web in context
  7. @mergemm As to the creative endeavours: Holy crow, do we have people in this fandom who'll create just about anything. Mind you, that's the Sturgeon's Law at work: 90% is still crap, but the 10% that's good is worth dying for. I'm glad to be back in pony fandom, though, because it was where I started 18 years ago (though a much worse writer) and I know the territory, even with new characters to work with.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 21:23:34 UTC from web
  8. @mergemm Like I said, there's a reason it's known as "Dream Valley Is Trying To Kill You". Shows from MLP & Friends involved a drought caused by magic (and a forest fire), vicious giant walking plants, every pony turned to glass, Dream Valley frozen over in eternal winter, ponies turned to stone by a rock dog, etc. (Mind you, our heroes certainly took care of villains. If they didn't repent, they usually destroyed themselves. Only the Witches ever got a second shot at the little ponies. :P)

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 21:21:22 UTC from web in context
  9. @mergemm Well, if Octavia can pay the cello

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 20:41:14 UTC from web in context
  10. !ottawabronies @mergemm Hurrah. Whichever you prefer. I am rather apathetic towards conversation medium.

    Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 02:08:30 UTC from web
  11. @mergemm Yeah, back then it was 'sell toys', with Transformers, GI Joe (for guys), and MLP (for girls). I'm a fanfiction writer. Have been for 18 years. This was the show that started me, back in the 90s. I was terrible (thankfully, they hadn't invented the Internet back then) but learned, and went into anime and television fandoms, doing multiverse & crossovers. Now I'm back in MLP again.

    Monday, 31-Oct-11 19:05:29 UTC from web in context
  12. @mergemm The new one focuses a lot more on the fact that they are ponies and has completley taken out all humans or aspects of them. They are also while still kind of girly independent and not like the classic barbie appearance/lifestyle(except rarity in a sense). FiM also manages to wiggle in the moral of each episode in without it being forced down your throat and still manages to have some fun that while kids won't get it the older generation will be giggling and trying to hold back from bursting into fits of laughter(guilty of it with the huff the magic dragon reference)

    Monday, 31-Oct-11 04:01:52 UTC from web in context
  13. @mergemm !ottawabronies I currently go to Carleton, so I can meet up with you sometime there if you'd like. I'll send you an email :)

    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 21:28:34 UTC from web in context
  14. !ottawabronies @mergemm I would be quite willing, but you did specify 18+, so I can't. But still.

    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 18:34:04 UTC from web
  15. @mergemm Well, let's ignore the *original* episode for a second: Escape from Midnight Castle, even though the FiM pilot mirrors that episode in so many ways as a callback. The SHOW MLP and Friends, which ran in the mid-80s was cheap animation, with plenty of errors. There was much more danger back then. One of the taglines in fandom that remembers the old eps is "Dream Valley Is Trying To Kill You". But it's also distinguished by the need for Hasbro to just sell ponies without worrying about animation quality or song quality. Here, see for yourself in the episode Quest of the Princess Ponies:

    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 17:41:48 UTC from web
  16. @mergemm Well, I can tell you that I came into the new show because I had been a fan of the 80s show when I was, oh, 8. :P I'm sort of a brony-anomaly in that, but it's interesting to be in a fandom from the ground up like this. Trust me, bronies are not alone. Just go to Fandom bananas and see the 'subcultures' that have evolved around any show. !ottawabronies.

    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 13:44:23 UTC from web in context
  17. @mergemm sounds like a great idea. I'd love to help out if you still need people.

    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 13:06:52 UTC from web in context
  18. @mergemm What will you be talking about and what names will you be using: Net or Real? Plus, are you a fan yourself? !ottawabronies.

    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 20:36:41 UTC from web in context