Ernest's home timeline


  1. !cospringsbronies the 14th works best for me.

    Thursday, 04-Aug-11 21:48:14 UTC from web
    • !cospringsbronies ok so it sounds like this is going to happen then. if the 13th or 14th work i can start getting things in line.

      Thursday, 04-Aug-11 20:00:55 UTC from web
      • !cospringsbronies A BBQ sounds awesome! I would go to something like that.

        Thursday, 04-Aug-11 19:33:14 UTC from web
        • !cospringsbronies yeah a BBQ sounds great. I'd be there for sure

          Thursday, 04-Aug-11 19:08:49 UTC from web
          • !cospringsbronies BBQ does sound like fun. I'd be willing to go.

            Thursday, 04-Aug-11 18:45:04 UTC from web
            • !cospringsbronies Sure, I'd love BBQ and horseshoes. It is kinda counter-intuitive to our namesake though but whatever.

              Thursday, 04-Aug-11 17:14:36 UTC from web
            • !cospringsbronies I'm doing my usual MLP screening this Saturday 8/6, 7pm at my house in Colorado Springs. 92" projection setup and good company! Ponychan thread with a few more details here: Mail metacritter AT gmail dot com. *Gonna out myself as an old dude because I note this group skews young: If you're under 18 you're welcome to attend, but I need to hear from a parent/guardian beforehand.

              Thursday, 04-Aug-11 17:34:50 UTC from web
              • !cospringsbronies just throwing the idea out there we could go to monument (closer to Denver area than colo. spgs.) meet at Dirty woman park (yes that's the park name look it up) and play horse shoes (i can teach those that don't know how to play) and have a BBQ for those that don't have money its cheep and fun let me know what you think.

                Thursday, 04-Aug-11 16:55:54 UTC from web
                • !cospringsbronies Anyone else have a comment?

                  Thursday, 04-Aug-11 03:30:36 UTC from web
                  • !cospringsbronies just chipping in my two cents. I'm pretty much broke at the moment (Being unemployed sucks) so the less money I have to spend the more likely I'm going to show up. Bumming around the mall sounds cool I guess? Unno, I never really got the appeal of just hanging out at a mall. Glow-golf sounds cool, but again I have to bring up the money issue.

                    Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 23:58:57 UTC from web
                    • !cospringsbronies Okay so how about the Citadel Mall this weekend if you guys can think of something to do there (I don't know that much about it) or we can play glow-golf at Chapel Hills if we don't go there. What do you guys think?

                      Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 23:20:42 UTC from web
                      • !cospringsbronies @hplovecolt Same here I start classes on the 22nd. Weekends are free though. Can't say the same for people with jobs on the weekend.

                        Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 20:06:59 UTC from web
                        • !cospringsbronies @redponyco I sorta live in the Denver area. I'm from Parker, so sorta between Colorado Springs and Denver. Also I start classes on the 22nd, so once that date hits my schedule gets tied up majorly during the week.

                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 20:09:59 UTC from web
                          • !cospringsbronies Could we find something to do at the Chapel Hills mall?

                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 00:34:29 UTC from web
                          • !cospringsbronies Is there anyone here from the Denver area? This is the closest brony group to where I live.

                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 01:37:36 UTC from web
                            • !cospringsbronies I'm game for just about anything. Actually, a friend of mine came up with a cool sort of role playing game that I might want to try out. Classes start for me next month though, so it all depends on when and where it is.

                              Monday, 01-Aug-11 20:26:19 UTC from web
                              • !cospringsbronies As long as my family doesn't unexpectadly fall apart again, sure. Any idea where to put it?

                                Monday, 01-Aug-11 15:18:43 UTC from web
                                • !cospringsbronies Everypony up for a meetup sometime before school starts up again?

                                  Monday, 01-Aug-11 04:36:21 UTC from web
                                  • !cospringsbronies anytime before september 1st is great for me as that is when my school starts.

                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 07:33:24 UTC from web
                                    • !cospringsbronies If we can get one in before the school year I would be very happy.

                                      Saturday, 30-Jul-11 15:27:25 UTC from web
                                      • !cospringsbronies So when's our next meetup, everypony?

                                        Saturday, 30-Jul-11 05:52:46 UTC from web
                                        • !cospringsbronies Sorry, I am not that interested in curling.

                                          Thursday, 28-Jul-11 23:40:45 UTC from web
                                          • !cospringsbronies well if any of you want to come to the learn to curl in September it is going to be on the 9th from 6pm to 8pm at Colorado Sports Center, Monument. it will cost $25 per person there is a discount if you sign up with friends or family you can sign up on sometimes our learn to curls fill up really fast so sign up soon there's more info on the website about the learn to curl, curling, the club, if you have any questions you can ask me on here or check the website. i hope some of you can come out and curl with us it's going to be a fun night

                                            Thursday, 28-Jul-11 02:59:52 UTC from web
                                            • !cospringsbronies @metacrittter so since the last screening was yesterday (I didn't log on until today) does that mean the next one will be on 8/6? I'd totally be willing to join you next time. Had I known about it earlier I would have joined you this time.

                                              Monday, 25-Jul-11 01:43:32 UTC from web
                                            • !cospringsbronies Halloo Springs Bronies! I host MLP Screenings every other Saturday (including today, sorry for the late notice!) Details over on ponychan if anybody'd like to join us.

                                              Saturday, 23-Jul-11 22:17:25 UTC from web
                                              • Wow people are fast at replying! Guess I better stop deleting things.

                                                Saturday, 23-Jul-11 22:09:18 UTC from web
                                                • @metacrittter It allows me to stalk you.

                                                  Saturday, 23-Jul-11 19:42:33 UTC from web
                                                  • @metacrittter NOPE

                                                    Saturday, 23-Jul-11 19:31:19 UTC from web